
Women’s History Month: Women at VitaWerks


Before I share my story, I would like to give my answer to the most famous question for women: “What is the essence of being a woman?” For me, being a woman means being strong. We never give up, no matter what tough trials come our way, we will always choose to see the bright side of things, especially for the sake of our loved ones.

I will start my story about when I became pregnant at a young age. Even though I had so many trials experienced in the past, that was my toughest. At that time, I was a youth leader in our church. My parents and relatives had high expectations of me. Everyone says, I’m gentle and smart, will have a great job in the future, and I would also help my cousins with their studies.

But I got pregnant early. I was only 19 years old and just in my second year of college at that time. All eyes were on me. Almost everyone was throwing negative words against me, especially our relatives. They looked at me so badly that I thought I would no longer finish my studies. I was a shame to our family. And that made me strong. I know that I made a mistake, but that won’t be an obstacle to my dreams. Instead, it became an inspiration.

Despite everything that happened to me, my parents were always there. I became a stronger and better person not just for myself, but for my parents and my child. After I gave birth, I took a break for two months and decided to work to finish my studies, because I was ashamed to rely on my parents. I became a working student mom. In the morning, I would take care of my child. In the afternoon, I would go to my university to study. In the evening, I would work. That was my daily routine for two years. Thankfully, I was able to finish my studies and provide for my family’s needs. Right now I’m 30, happily married, and have two children. I am now a better version of myself.


Being a mother is the most underrated job in the world.

I was out of work for ten years and during that time, I chose to become a full time mom and wife. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, my kids and my husband. But during this time, I felt dormant, stagnant and useless. Growing up I was so competitive, in school, in my previous job. I never imagined myself being stuck. So, I decided to start my career again at 34. It wasn’t an easy journey. Imagine juggling being on top at work while being there for my kids for school activities, at the same time. I still wanted to be the devoted wife and mother like I used to be. It was all worth it, though.

I am able to help my younger brother finish his degree in Business. I am able to influence young moms in my community that it is never too late to start working on yourself, choosing yourself and loving yourself first.

Looking back I don’t have any regrets, I don’t have any what ifs. I did what I think will help me grow as mother, wife and a woman who can do whatever she wants and needs. I am proud of myself.

Happy Women’s Month!

I’m proud to be a single mom.

Why? Because of my daughter, if it wasn’t for her, I would have given up a long time ago. Despite all the trials, rejection, and failure, I am still here. As a full-time mom and a working student at 38, I never stop believing that someday I will go on stage wearing my graduation costume and holding my diploma. It’s not over but I know I can make it. I already did my part as a 1st born and now it’s my time.

Being a single mom is neither a choice nor an option. However, this is the only way that I can show to the people who judge my personality without knowing me.

And, I thank you… Happy Women’s Day!

Cha Saret

Women are often described as the light and strength of the family.

As the “Ate” (older sister) of my family, I have assumed responsibility to provide for my family right after I graduated. Now, I am proud to say that I was able to make my younger sister graduate with a degree in medicine. It was indeed a challenging journey as our family and I had to sacrifice a lot of time, opportunities, convenience, etc. But I could say that it was all worth it.
What I am most proud of is that I was able to help and continue to support my family, give that chance to my sister and prioritize them above all – it was the best decision of my life.
I would definitely not take full credit for all of that as the two women in my life has helped and supported me big time throughout the journey — My Mama and my Grandma.
Now I am graduated too from the tuition fees and could now enjoy the rest of my life while supporting them and living my dreams.
Excited to build a family of my own soon.

While women’s contributions have often been undervalued and overlooked, it is important to recognize and appreciate the vital role they play in our lives. We should celebrate and honor women for the incredible light and strength they bring to their families every day.

“A woman should be two things: who and what she wants.”

I grew up with a tag: “She’ll be the same with her mother – a disgrace.”

I am an illegitimate child. I grew up with my grandparents full of love and attention that you’ll never seek from your biological parents. I excelled in school, am a law abiding citizen and a church servant. Despite this, I can still hear other people telling me “you’ll end up getting pregnant at a young age” or “you’ll never get a Bachelor’s Degree.”

But I never felt discouraged. Instead I was motivated to strive more because I don’t want history to repeat itself. I want to prove that I am different and I am the one who’s writing my own future.

And yes! I did it !! I finished my Bachelor’s Degree in 3.5 years and landed a job even before having it.

Now I am able to help and support my grandparents as well as my cousins. I am able to let my grandparents travel and enjoy life to the fullest in return for their sacrifices for me.

To all women who have been battling from those society critics, don’t take those comments as a discouragement. Instead make it your motivation. Strive and give full effort to prove them that they are wrong about you.


Each woman on this earth has a quest in life – to find her purpose. More often than not, women are dubbed as the very existence of nature. We are a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mother and a child of God rolled into one.

I grew up in a huge family where I am the eldest of 7 siblings. I had my fair share of responsibilities being a big “ate”. At a young age, I had to learn to work while studying in order to help my parents raise my younger siblings. Bills are piling up and tuition fees hurt our parent’s budget. I decided to take on the next step by leaving the comforts of our home land and work abroad to be able to provide more for my family’s needs back then. It was both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

At the age of 29, I became a first time mom. It was one of the happiest days of my life. But I was at the peak of my career when I felt emptiness and lost my self-worth. I was losing balance and struggled to find my purpose. There was a moment that I had to look back and had asked God to take over in all the areas of my life. There He revealed that I have a daughter who will give me more reasons to live. It was also at the same time when my father had suffered from stroke due to heart attack. It was a turning point of my life. As the cost of living in Singapore were also rising, I decided to go back home (Manila) with my daughter for good. Never giving up, I put up small businesses in order to survive but a pandemic came and my business ventures failed. Life happens so I tried again and entered the freelancing industry, the rest is history.

Everyone has a purpose. But the most important thing about being a woman is believing in oneself. About embracing our own inherent power. About manifesting our dreams into reality. About standing strong in the most terrifying moments. Giver of love.

Today I celebrate with every woman, colleagues, ates, titas, mothers, single moms, sisters, who never thought of giving up but continued to pursue and persevere. Hearing each and everyone’s life stories inspire me to look at what god has placed to each and everyone. Unique gifts within “her” that can change her life and transform the lives of the others by spreading love. Though life may be tough as we hustle and bustle everyday, every woman deserves to pause time once in a while, breathe and admire the goodness within her, just as having a stop-and-smell-the-flowers moment in this wonderful garden filled with blooming and beautiful empowered women.