
How Nurses Can Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder


If ever you feel your mood going down once fall folds into winter, that is completely normal. Seasonal affective disorder symptoms affect nurses across the country. These include (but are nor limited to) Running low on enthusiasm or energy, overeating and oversleeping, or being unable to focus on your current tasks.

 If you find yourself feeling SAD this holiday season, then the following tips may be of use to you. With the right mindset and the right seasonal affective disorder treatment, anyone can dig themselves out of this funk.

 Take in Some Natural Sunlight

One of the root causes of SAD is the lack of sunlight in winter. You start producing more serotonin and less melatonin, and this imbalance feeds into SAD depression. Beyond that, dark surroundings just naturally feed into a gloomy atmosphere.

To combat this, you want to soak in sunlight at every opportunity. Open your windows in the morning to let the natural light in. If you can, make it a habit to take early walks. There are also specialized sunlight lamps that are specifically designed to imitate natural light.

This “light therapy” can be used early in the day, as an alternative to natural light. This seasonal affective disorder treatment is not perfect, but it is effective in a pinch. 

 Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

 When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that help combat seasonal affective disorder symptoms. Additionally, it provides an outlet for any pent-up tension and worries.

 Slowly but surely, you will also start feeling better about yourself and your body image. You do not have to pick up a brutal 3-hour regiment (although nothing is stopping you). Taking low-intensity walks, doing yoga, or committing to a light cardio routine is more than enough.

As long as you can commit to 30+ minutes of regular exercise, your hard work will eventually pay dividends.

 Spend Time with your Loved Ones

 Working through a busy nursing work week, in a cold dark winter can be an isolating experience. Spending time with your friends, family and loved ones can make a huge difference. Quality time with others is the essence of the holiday spirit, after all. Whenever you are free, it is never a bad idea to plan an outing to watch a movie or go shopping at the mall. If you still want to stay home, you can invite friends over for a board game night, dinner or a movie watch party. If your friend invites you to a Christmas party, think twice before turning down the offer. Seeing new faces may be just what you need, to freshen things up in life.

Consult a Professional

 There are times when you cannot “power through” seasonal affective disorder. At its worst, SAD can completely derail your sleep or eating schedule. If your condition is crippling your ability to function in daily life, consider seeing a therapist, doctor or another qualified professional.

You may need seasonal affective disorder medication and this is completely normal. Always remember that mental health problems are just as valid as physical ones, and the two are deeply intertwined. You have to do what is best for you.


Nursing Licensure Compact: Benefits and Drawback

Nursing Licensure Compact: Benefits and Drawback

The Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is an agreement that lets nursing licenses carry over across the states under the compact. On paper, this is great news for nurses looking to move or travel nurses looking to expand their options.

While this sounds like an excellent system on paper, there are still states that have not bought into the NLC. To understand why this is the case, we will go over the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the NLC.


 Less Needless Paperwork

Applying for a nursing license for every new state you visit can be seen as a cumbersome and outdated process. The NLC cuts through the paperwork and allows qualified nurses to pick up work in a new area as soon as possible.

Considering how fast and digitized the healthcare industry has become, this shift allows facilities to catch up with the times.

Addresses the Nursing Shortage

 The pandemic has accelerated a nursing shortage that has crippled various facilities. Certain areas of the country simply do not have enough manpower to resolve the cases in front of them.

In theory, the NLC tackles this problem head-on. Nurses from other states can relocate to areas in dire need for job opportunities, without having to repeat the licensure process from scratch.


States will have to Compromise

Certain states have unique educational requirements that, in their mind, ensure a certain level of quality from their HCPs. Accepting the NLC means accepting nurses who might not have these required continuing education units or documentation, which some states may be unwilling to budge for.

Not Universally Accepted

 Unfortunately, some hospitals will not recognize any cross-state nurses, even if they are technically under the NLC. Certain facilities may only look to accept nurses with local nursing licenses, as a matter of principle.

Before you relocate or apply for a particular job, make sure that that specific hospital accepts NLC-covered licenses.


The NLC is not perfect. There is no doubt that full implementation will require compromise and some extra administrative headaches, on the part of state governing bodies.

For the average working nurse, however, they present an overwhelming breadth of opportunities. Under the NLC, nurses can find work across state lines without having to go through red tape or extra licensure fees.

No longer are HCPs confined to the arbitrary borders of their states. With the right travel agency or the services of the VitaWerks staffing app, nurses can maximize their earning potential with the best rates in the country.

States have much to gain from the arrangement, as well. With the NLC, manpower can be reallocated to areas in dire need of nursing work.


How Nurses can keep Holiday Anxiety Under Control

How Nurses can keep Holiday Anxiety Under Control

The holidays are a stressful and hectic time for anyone. For nurses, the winter rush is stacked on top of their regular, occupational pressure.

Between lengthy shifts, negotiation-free time and all the Christmas-related obligations, anxiety naturally begins to build up. This stress cannot be completely mitigated or removed, but nurses can do their best to keep things under control.

So that your holiday season is as merry and jovial as possible, this guide will go over tips on how to regulate holiday anxiety, as a nurse.

 Recognize that Stress is a Problem

Admitting that you have an issue is the first step towards addressing it. You want to recognize that the holiday season is getting to you, in a real way.

Holiday stress can take on many different shapes. Irritability, depression, and uneasiness are just a couple of its manifestations.

If it is severe enough, you could end up feeling a host of physical symptoms. Indigestion, insomnia, overeating, fatigue and regular headaches are natural products of stress.

 Do not let it Build Up

 You may be tempted to keep all these thoughts to yourself. You could justify it by telling yourself that “others do not need to get as stressed as I do.”

If you keep holding it to yourself, you will eventually reach a boiling point. Suffering silently will only lead to further suffering.

Instead, you want to talk it out with someone who is willing to lend an ear. Whether it is a close family member, a friend or a lover, solidarity can make a world of a difference.

 Create a plan of Attack

 Working off the cuff is the perfect way to get yourself tangled and stressed out of your mind. Instead of improvising, try to make a holiday plan that covers all the possible bases.

Make a list of all the obligations and tasks you would like to accomplish. Get-togethers, gift-buying, workplace dues and more all fall under this umbrella.


Be Realistic

A lot of holiday stress can be linked to overextending. You cannot go to every Christmas party, buy every gift you want or make all your obligations work.

 It pays to be realistic. You need to know the constraints you are working under and make compromises, whenever necessary.

 You will not hit all your holiday goals perfectly and that is completely fine.


Why the 12-hour Shift Could Cause Nursing Burnout

Why the 12-hour Shift Could Cause Nursing Burnout

In 2015, BMJ Open published a study examining the correlation between the 12-hour nursing shift and burnout. Its sample size consisted of around 31,627 registered nurses across 488 hospitals and 12 countries.

The results were somewhat predictable. Compared to healthcare professionals (HCPs) working 8 nursing shift hours or less, nurses who took 12-hour shifts were “more likely to experience burnout, depersonalization, and high job dissatisfaction.” Naturally, these correspondents were also more likely to express interest in leaving their jobs altogether.

An increase in working hours was found to have a correlation with other negative outcomes. More burnout was linked to a stark decrease in the quality of care and significantly higher risks of medical error. The economic damage due to “increased absenteeism and higher turnover” was also notable. Too many long nursing night shifts burn patients, facilities and HCPs alike, in the long run.

Concerns about mandatory overtime skyrocketed during the pandemic. Reflecting BMJ Open’s findings, increased work hours (among other factors) lead to burnout and increased turnover rates.

Eight years later and the results of this study are hauntingly relevant. 12-hour shifts for nurses are not uncommon, in the current environment. In extreme cases, some HCPs may have a schedule of 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week.

Hospitals will not change their operations overnight. However, if they want to avoid further short-staffing problems in the future, then reevaluating the 12-hour nursing shift will be an essential step forward.

A packed nursing shift report sheet may look nice at the moment, but the consequences of such overwork could prove dire in the long run. All the available evidence points to a similar conclusion: The 12-hour nursing shift causes burnout.


DAISY Foundation Unveils New Ethics Award

DAISY Foundation Unveils New Ethics Award

Even today, ethics in nursing is a multilayered and complex issue. Handling end-of-life care, the burnout and distress caused by long shifts, and working around costly medical errors are just a few of the problems that may be faced in a clinical setting. The DAISY Foundation has recognized the difficulty of navigating such issues, and has revealed an award that celebrates nurses who successfully do so. 

In partnership with the American Nurses Association (ANA), the “DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics.” will be given to nurses and nurse leaders who upheld ethical standards and “human values” in their practice and approach to leadership. 

The award criteria will be in line with the ANA’s pre-existing code of ethics in nursing. For the uninitiated, this document is a “guide” that defines the standards of ethical practice that all nurses in the country are expected to observe. 

Within this framework, nurses can make informed, guided decisions with the goal of improving a patient’s quality of care. They will also be held accountable for all their professional decisions, good or bad. 

Without a moral foundation, patients would not entrust their safety and sensitive information to nurses and facilities. The healthcare industry is built off of these principles of ethics in nursing. This is why the DAISY Ethics award is so important– it honors the brave healthcare professionals who observe ethical conduct, no matter how difficult or complex the situation becomes. 


Choosing the Correct Nursing Degree and Level

Choosing the Correct Nursing Degree and Level

From education to training, there are multiple levels to nursing. Not everyone needs to settle for an associate’s degree, nor do they have to spend a fortune for their doctorate.

Ultimately, your priorities and goals will depend on what works best for you. To help you choose, this guide covers everything you need to know about the nursing degree types and levels of education.

 What are the salaries for each level of nursing?

 Below are the current average salaries for each nursing level, according to Payscale’s user base.

Speciality Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)/Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Salary $58,000 $74,000 $91,000 $100,000 $109,000

Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse is one of the fastest ways to become an HCP. The LPN diploma programs only take around 12 to 15 months, while an associate’s degree takes around 2 years.

LPN nursing degrees are relatively more affordable, although this is not always the case. Tuition will cost you around $10,000 to $15,000, depending on where you enroll.

LPNs primarily take on direct care roles, such as helping patients with eating, bathing, dressing and cleaning. Under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or doctor, they can take on more advanced tasks like collecting biological samples, performing CPR and administering medications.

Becoming an LPN is worth considering if you want to become an HCP as fast as possible. If you wish to pursue further education down the road, there are RN bridge programs available to you. Just keep in mind that RN graduates will outearn you, upon graduation. Catching up with them will be a lengthy and costly process.


To become a Registered Nurse, you need an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) at the bare minimum. These programs only take around two to three years to complete. This makes the program appealing to nurses who want to become RNs as quickly as possible.

 However, ADN nurses are accordingly paid less than their Bachelor’s or Master’s nursing degree counterparts. They also may not be afforded the same job opportunities and options for career progression.

 Registered nurses take on a number of different roles in healthcare, including (but not limited to) performing diagnostics tests, monitoring patient conditions, assisting in the development of care plans, supervising the nursing assistants and LPNs under them and providing patient education, every step of the way. Compared to LPNs, they take on a considerably greater number of responsibilities.

 Tuition depends on where you enroll. Public schools can charge between $8,000 to $22,000 while private institutions can ask for up to $50,000.


Nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) have extensive four-year training programs that go over critical theoretical and practical nursing knowledge. Thanks to this, they are afforded more career opportunities compared to lower levels of nursing.

 Hospitals will typically prioritize BSN RN applicants, compared to ADN ones. In addition, nurses can even qualify for administrative roles, if they want to pivot from clinical work. These nurses focus on finishing paperwork, hiring employees, developing detailed training plans and more.

 Tuition is considerably higher, compared to ADN. Public schools will charge $40,000 to $80,000 and private universities could ask for $60,000 to as much as $120,000. In addition, out-of-state students usually pay considerably more.

 The cost is high but the dividends are huge. Whether it is salary or professional opportunities, BSN nurses have a considerable leg up over their aforementioned counterparts.


 Maybe you are looking past RN roles. If that is the case, you may want a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).

 These two-year MSN programs are the minimum requirement if you want to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). APRNs like Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Anesthetists and Nurse Midwives are among the highest-paid nurses in the whole industry.

 Becoming an APRN and getting your MSN nursing degree is a huge commitment. Minimum requirements include (among other things) at least a BSN and significant clinical experience. Additionally, the programs themselves are extremely expensive and difficult.

 They provide specialized services that require extremely advanced education and training. Anesthesia, for instance, is a staple for many medical procedures but is dangerous without trained professionals administering it. Naturally, these professionals are paid handsomely and enjoy additional autonomy (depending on where they live.)

 If you do not want to become an APRN, you can take an MSN program for non-clinical roles such as management or nurse education. These paths do not pay quite as much, but they are still well-compensated and in high demand.


Doctor of Nursing Practice is a relatively new terminal nursing degree type. Because it is not as standardized, APRNs are not strictly required to take on their doctorate.

 That being said, it is still worth considering if you want to “future-proof” your credentials. Possessing a DNP also provides a sense of prestige and tenure that the MSN does not. In certain states, DNPs can even operate their own practices, which is more than can be said for most nurses.

 DNP also provides specialized training for nurses looking to achieve high-level administrative and directorial roles in the future.

 How much a DNP nursing degree costs depends on your path. MSN to DNP, the most traditional path, may cost you as little as $17,660 or as much as $169,510.


How to overcome nursing test anxiety 

How to overcome nursing test anxiety

Nursing school can be a gauntlet. Students are expected to balance difficult technical courses, clinical rotations, and commonly work side jobs on top of everything listed. 

With so many responsibilities and requirements for nursing school, the pressure commonly gets to a lot of HCP hopefuls. Because of the difficult material and stressful environment, nursing test anxiety is experienced at a higher rate compared to other college courses. 

Instead of brute forcing through your worries, consider these smart and healthy coping strategies. You will be surprised by how much easier things could be, with the right approach. 

Watch what you drink

Many people turn to alcohol or caffeinated drinks, whenever they feel nervous or depressed. However, drinking too much of either can aggravate symptoms of depression and anxiety in nursing students.

Just be mindful of your intake. Provided that you consume either in moderation, you should be fine. 

Manage your time better

Scheduling headaches is a common root cause of test anxiety disorder. Juggling study time, multiple assignments, and work is no easy feat. 

Getting organized is the perfect way to make life easier for yourself. You do not need to strictly adhere to the schedule, but some structure to your day helps you stay focused and motivated.

Look into some exercise 

A good workout lets you release pent-up test anxiety while getting healthier. Exercise releases endorphins that bolster your mood and calm you down. 

You do not need to pay up for an expensive gym membership to pump iron 3 hours a day. A 30-minute walk, in between your daily tasks, is more than enough.

It helps even more if you enjoy the routine. Yoga, swimming, and hiking are just a few workout activities that will help you stay fit while lowering your test anxiety level. 

Make use of campus resources 

You may not be aware of the resources available to you. Nursing schools often provide counseling services and online apps to help their students battle anxiety and fulfill their potential. 

Test anxiety tip: Study smarter, not harder. Studying longer hours with few breaks is less effective than maximizing the time you have. 

It is understandable to feel a bit hesitant but keep an open mind. It is best to maximize the advantages available to you, while you are still a student. 

Build a strong support system 

A strong support system of friends and experts can help you weather the storm. Talking to the right people and healthily venting your emotions can make a huge difference in overcoming test anxiety. 

Fellow HCPs can give their perspective and advice for nursing school and stress mitigation. Most universities even have mentors and counselors who offer this kind of support.