HCP Facilities

Types and Requirements for HCP Continuing Education: A Brief Guide

Healthcare does not stay still. Registered nurses (RNs) need to keep up with rapidly-changing technology, and constantly updating medical information. How many Continuing Education (CE) Contact Hours you are asked to fulfill and what kind of classes you may be required to attend will depend, from state to state. In this article, we will show you how to renew your RN license in your state of choice.

What are Continuing Education Courses?

CE courses provide RNs with the most up-to-date medical information available. This way, all HCPs are updated with regards to the current state of healthcare, and remain sharp with their medical skills. In a field like healthcare, the smallest errors can have the biggest consequences. It may seem insignificant, but proper CE education makes a huge difference, when it comes to reducing error and increasing RN effectiveness.

Why is Continuing Education important?

To ensure patient safety and a high baseline standard for healthcare quality, RNs are made to renew their licenses periodically. That way, they will be made to keep their skills sharp and their knowledge updated with the latest, most effective best practices. Though requirements for license renewal changes depending on where you live, most State Boards of Nursing will ask you for CE Contact Hours. These show that you are taking classes to hone your skills or refresh your medical knowledge.

What kind of CE Courses are there?

CE courses cover all kinds of different material. Some lectures will cover soft skills, hard clinical skills, academic medical knowledge and more. Every time you complete a course, you earn a “contact hour” for every hour spent taking your lessons. Finishing your CE course requirement typically means accruing a certain number of contact hours that are verified by proof of completion.

RNs can also choose from a variety of different CE formats. Lessons may be carried out in traditional conferences or academic lectures, or remote lectures and webinars. Some classes even provide “self-study courses” to HCPs who prefer a personalized learning experience that allows them to go at their own pace.

How do I find the right CE courses?

CE courses can be found from a variety of healthcare institutions, nursing schools, publications, and even online academies (though every class has a number of in-person clinical requirements.) Regardless of where you find your Continuing Education Units (CEUs), what matters is that you finished your classes from an accredited provider.

Without approval from your state board of nursing, none of the hours that you take will be recognized. You can find a list of accredited schools on a nursing board’s website, or contact your local governing board directly for more information.

What are the Continuing Education requirements?

As was mentioned earlier, different states have different CEU requirements. On top of contact hours, some states will require you to pick up specific kinds of Continuing Education Courses, as part of their renewal policy.

As an example, we can look at the current RN CEU requirements, state by state.

Alabama: 24 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)  Can include 12 hours of self-study courses.

Alaska: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Arkansas: 15 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period).

California: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period).

Connecticut: 2 CE Contact Hours (Finished within the 6 year renewal period.) Split between the following subjects:

  • Training for suicide prevention
  • Screening for depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and grief

District of Columbia: 30 CE Contact Hours  eerie two years. 3 hours on AIDS/HIV Training and 2 hours on cultural/LGBTQ+ sensitivity.

Delaware:  30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.) 3 hours on dealing with substance abuse.

Florida: 24 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period,) This includes 2 hours on the nursing laws of Florida, 2 hours of Workplace Impairment Recognition (completed every 4 hours,) 2 hours of medical error prevention, and 2 hours on human trafficking.

Georgia: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Hawaii: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Idaho: 15 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Illinois:  20 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Iowa: 36 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 3 year renewal period.) This includes 2 hours on child abuse management.

Kansas: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period)

Kentucky: 14 CE Contact Hours  every year. This includes material on suicide prevention and recognizing implicit bias.

Louisiana: 30 CE Contact Hours or 900 licensed practice hours (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Maryland: One of the following:

  • 30 CE Contact Hours (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)
  • Accredited nurse education program (finished every 5 years.)
  • 1,000 hours of active licensed practice hours (completed every 5 years.)

Massachusetts: 15 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Michigan: 25 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.) This includes 2 hours on pain and symptom management.

Minnesota: 24 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Mississippi: 20 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Montana: 24 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Nebraska: 20 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Nevada: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period). This includes 2 hours on cultural competency. All nurses must complete a 4 hour bioterrorism course.

New Hampshire: 30 CE Contact Hours (finished annually)

New Jersey: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period). This includes 1 hour on organ tissue donation.

New Mexico: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

New York: Finish an infection control course approved by the NYSED OR apply for exemption (Finished within the 4 year renewal period.)

North Carolina: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.) Can be reduced to 15 CE Contact Hours, if the nurse completes 640 hours of active practice. Alternatively, nurses can simply finish a board-approved refresher course.

North Dakota: 12 CE Contact Hours (finished every year)

Ohio: 24 hours (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)  This includes 1 hour on Ohio’s nurse laws.

Oklahoma: 24 hours (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Oregon: : 20 or 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period) , depending on how many practice hours you have logged. If 600 practice hours, the former. If 800, the latter. 2 hours on cultural competence. There is also a one time 7 hour pain management course.

Pennsylvania: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period). This includes 3 hours on child abuse reporting and recognition.

Rhode Island: 10 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)  This includes 3 hours on treating substance abuse.

South Carolina: 30 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

Texas: 20 CE Contact Hours  (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)  2 hours on bioterrorism.

Utah: Complete one of three requirements.

  • 15 CE Contact Hours and 200 hours of licensed practice
  • 400 hours of licensed practice
  • 30 CE Contact Hours

Virginia: Complete one of three requirements finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

  • 30 CE Contact Hours
  • At least 3 credit hours of post-academic education related to nursing practice from an accredited provider
  • Finish an evidence-based practice project OR research study.
  • 15 CE Contact Hours and 640 hours of licensed practice
  • Teaching or creating 30 CE Contact Hours worth of continuing education courses
  • Board-approved nursing refresher course
  • During the renewal period, write or co-write a publication
  • Teaching or creating courses that add up to 3 semester hours of college credit, an entire specialty certification course or a 15-week long course
  • Active specialty certification provided by national certifying organization

Washington: Complete the following:

  • 8 CE Contact Hours
  • Register at e-Notify and finish the Nursesys survey
  • 96 licensed practice hours (annually)

West Virginia: 12 CE Contact Hours (finished every year.) This includes 2 hours on mental health and 1 hour on drug diversion training and prescribing medications safely.

Wyoming: 400 hours of active licensed practice OR 200 hours of active licensed practice and 15 CE Contact Hours (finished within the 2 year renewal period.)

The states that are not listed do not have renewal requirements.

Keep in mind that CEU renewal requirements are always changing. Be sure to check the official Board of Nursing websites, or contact your local Board of Nursing directly, before you proceed with fulfilling your continuing education requirements.

Facilities HCP

ANA Fully Supports New Nurse Staffing Laws

The American Nurses Association recently voiced their support for Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act (H.R.2530 and S.1113). This represents a broader movement towards supporting healthcare providers (HCPs) and stemming the ongoing nursing shortage. What does this law intend to accomplish? Will it succeed? This article covers all this and more.

What are the new staffing laws?

In short, this bill aimed to introduce minimum standards for patient-to-nurse staffing ratios that healthcare facilities must comply with. In doing this, Congress and the ANA hope to protect HCPs from overwork, fatigue, and occupational stress. At the time of writing, states like California, Oregon, and Pennsylvania implemented their own staffing ratio requirements on a local level. This will be the first legislation that implements a staffing minimum on a federal level. In this article, we will explore why Congress saw it fit to introduce such legislation, and whether this will make any changes to the quality of care for nurses.

Do better staffing ratios mean better healthcare outcomes?

Numerous studies point to some correlations between an adequate nurse to patient staffing ratio and better healthcare outcomes. One particular study evaluated patient outcomes in Queensland, Australia, before and after they implemented staffing ratio regulations. Around 232,000 patients were surveyed before recommended staffing ratios were put in place, and a little under 258,000 patients were evaluated after these changes. Research found not only drastically lower mortality and readmission rates with the latter, but significantly reduced operation costs as well. Since patients were readmitted less and their length of stay was shorter, hospitals did not have to invest as many resources per patient. The return of investment was notable, and positive.

Why do better staffing ratios mean better healthcare outcomes?

Healthcare is already a demanding job. Healthcare providers (HCPs) across the country must monitor patient condition, follow precise instructions, and stay composed while providing lifesaving physical and emotional care services. This workload is only compounded, when each nurse has to account for more patients each.

When you ask a nurse to provide complex care services to numerous patients at a time, within a single shift, the workload wears them out. As they become more stressed and fatigued, their focus drops. HCPs become more prone to lapses in judgment and irritability, which leads to more medical errors. As these mistakes pile up, so do the mortality rates. Conversely, HCPs will provide better outcomes if they are well-rested and handle manageable workloads.

Will the new legislation resolve the current healthcare shortage?

Right now, the healthcare industry is facing a significant shortage of HCPs. Per StatNews, it was predicted that half a million HCPs would leave the industry by the end of 2022. As healthcare providers leave due to work-related stress, while healthcare demand only rises (partially) thanks to a Baby Boomer demographic in need of additional healthcare services, the situation will only get worse. Healthcare staffing ratios is a step in the right direction, with regards to protecting HCPs and easing their workload. However, this alone will not be enough to quell concerns entirely. For the long term, investing in healthcare educators, flexible staffing arrangements, and retention incentives will be equally important, if the healthcare workforce wants to thrive well into the future.

HCP Facilities

50 Nursing Scholarships

It is difficult to cover nurse education costs all on your own. Though some are more affordable than others, nursing programs generally charge their students high tuition across all levels. None of this should get in the way of your nursing dreams, however. There are thankfully a number of different financial aid options available to the aspiring nurse. In particular, there are a host of scholarships that do not charge interest or debt. In case you do not know where to start, we have gathered 50 nursing scholarships that are well worth your consideration.

American Association of Men in Nursing Scholarships (National)

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Academic status
  • Personal statement
  • CV and reference letter
  • History of Volunteer work

Who Can Apply? :

  • AAMN members who are undergraduate students

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000

Alabama Nurses Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application forms
  • Letter from school proving current enrollment
  • 2 reference letters from faculty
  • Official transcript
  • Essay questions
  • High-resolution headshot
  • Proof of completion of one (or more) semester

Who Can Apply? :

  • Student enrolled in a nursing program based in Alabama (covers BSN, MSN, DNP/PhD, ADN, LPN)
  • Proof of Alabama Residence
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $3,000

Hurst Review American Association of Colleges of Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Registered account to MyAACN
  • Application documents
  • Transcripts

Who Can Apply? :

  • ADN and BSN students with at least a 3.2 GPAe
  • Students of ADN and BSN programs.
  • A minimum 3.2 GPAE.
  • Enrollment in an AACN member organization

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $2,500

Army Nurse Corps Association Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Application documents

Who Can Apply? :

  • BSN/advanced nursing students serving any US Army Branch. (Or Army members who were honorably discharged.)
  • Not currently a recipient of Army educational funds.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : Depends

Federal Pell Grant Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.

Who Can Apply? :

  • Undergraduate students with no bachelor’s degree
  • Either a US citizen or a permanent resident.
  • In need of financial assistance.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : Depends

American Indian Nurse Scholarships Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member
  • Forms of financial aid
  • Biographical statement and high-quality photograph.

Who Can Apply? :

  • Part of a tribe or village (or can show proof of ancestry)
  • Either in the last semester of high school or a recent graduate
  • Career goals are focused on assisting indigenous populations (American Indian, Hawaiian and Alaskan natives) and communities.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,500, every semester

Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

Who Can Apply? :

  • Attendance (or plans to attend) with an accredited college/University in the United States
  • Awarded based on academic achievement, financial need, or commitment to the field.
  • United States Citizenship

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000

Black Nurses Association of Greater Washington, D.C., Felicia C. Brady Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Updated official transcript documents
  • Nursing license copy
  • Letter of recommendation from clinical supervisor or former employer
  • 300 word application essay
  • Accolades and Certifications
  • Filled out application

Who Can Apply? :

  • African American with a permanent residence in D.C. or an adjacent Maryland county
  • US Citizenship
  • Membership with the Nurses Association of Greater Washington DC Area OR the National Black Nurses Association
  • Active, licensed RN or LPN
  • Currently attending an accredited ADN, MSN or DNP program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : varies

David L. Burns Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

  • 400- to 600-word essay on what helping addicted patients personally means to you.

Who Can Apply? :

  • Currently enrolled in nursing or health-related degree programs
  • Missouri resident

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $2,500

Dr. Ifeoma Ezebuiro Ezeobele Africans in Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements :

  • 400- to 600-word essay on why you selected nursing as your career path.

Who Can Apply? :

  • Enrolled in an undergraduate nursing program
  • African American

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000

Nurse I Am Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out the application form online

Who Can Apply? :

  • Currently enrolled in a nursing program (DNP/PHD, BSN, LPN, MSN)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $3,000

AvaCare Medical Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • US Citizenship or ownership of an Alien Registration Card
  • Highschool graduate OR current enrollment in an accredited US university/college
  • A cumulative 3.0 GPA (or higher)

    Who Can Apply?:

  • US Citizen
  • Pursuing a degree in health law, dentistry, nursing, nutrition, medicine, or any other medical field.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,000

ENA Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out online application and provide relevant information

    Who Can Apply?:

  • Emergency Nurses Association members with good academic standing
  • Non-members qualify for non-RN and undergraduate scholarships

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1000 to $10,000

Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 2 GPA or higher

    Who Can Apply?:

Students enrolled in a BSN program (or higher)

  • Program must be accredited with an AACN member institution connected to CastleBranch
  • (Alternatively) Submitted nursing school application via NursingCAS

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000 Leadership Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.2 GPA
  • Work history and activities
  • Application essay and form

Who Can Apply?:

  • Any undergraduate student enrolled in a healthcare-related program.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,000

Good Samaritan Foundation Nursing Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Letter of intent and letter of recommendation
  • Filled out application form
  • Copy of transcript (unofficial)
  • CV and high resolution colored photo

    Who Can Apply?:

  • Nursing students enrolled in an accredited program in Texas
  • Low-to-moderate income students
  • Must be in good academic standing

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $500–$1,000

Clarice Kanouse Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 400 to 600 word essay on overcoming adversity to pursue nurse education dreams

Who Can Apply?:

  • Highschool/undergraduate students accepted to nursing programs
  • Michigan resident
  • Low-income, first generation students
  • (optional) Applicants from single parent households are given priority

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,000

Nurses Make a Difference Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Legal US Residence (Citizenship or a valid student visa)
  • Submit online application
  • Essay

Who Can Apply?:

  • Student currently enrolled with an accredited undergraduate nursing program at a college or university.
  • (alternatively) High school students admitted to nursing programs

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,000

Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • (For graduates) Enrolled full time for a master’s or doctoral degree program
  • (Undergraduate) Senior or junior standing

Who Can Apply?:

  • Registered SHAPE America members
  • Majoring in a field related to healthcare, dance, physical recreation, or physical education.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,250 (undergraduate) to $1,750 (graduate)

Indiana Nursing Scholarship Fund Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Application form and requirements sent to the partner institution

    Who Can Apply?:

  • Non-Indiana residents
  • Full-time/first-year/first-time college students
  • Actively enrolled in an Indiana-based BSN program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $3,000

Loreen K. Odemu Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 400 to 600 word essay detailing what motivated you to become a nurse and your goals
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (or higher)

Who Can Apply?:

  • California residents
  • Nursing students or high school seniors

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $700

Tylenol Future Care Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • One more year of school remaining
  • Proof of enrollment in a graduate program for nursing, pharmacy, and/or medical.

    Who Can Apply?:

  • United States, Puerto Rico, or District of Columbia reference
  • Graduate students or college students enrolling into graduate programs

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000 – $10,000

Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Filled out application form
  • Essay and resume
  • Proof of US Citizenship
  • Transcript documents

Who Can Apply?:

  • Women are given preference
  • Students who have been accepted to a graduate psychiatric nursing program in an accredited institution

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000

NurseThink American Association of Colleges of Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • List of academic accomplishments
  • Demographic information
  • Short essay on post-graduation plans
  • Fill out an application form online

Who Can Apply?:

  • Students currently enrolled in Master’s or Doctorate nursing programs
  • Members of AACN member institutions
  • Committed to becoming a nurse educator or faculty member in the future.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000

The Pride Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out online application form

Who Can Apply?:

  • Residents of Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Washington, or Idaho
    • Counted as a resident if you lived in the state within three months of the application deadline OR have lived in the state for at least one year, within a five year period before the application deadline.
  • Pursuing postsecondary education in the coming school year, with a medical field.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: Depends

Dr. Martha Dawson Genesis Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out your online application
  • Essay
  • High-resolution photograph
  • CV and transcript
  • References
  • Proof of participation in student nurse activities involved with the African American community

Who Can Apply?:

  • Member of the National Black Nurses Association
  • Black graduate or postgraduate students currently enrolled in a university.
  • Can also be an RN pursuing MSN, DNP or PHD degrees, as well as EoDs looking for administration roles.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,000

National CPR Foundation Healthcare and Education Scholarship Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 8 GPA or higher
  • CV
  • 500 to 700 word essay
  • Transcripts
  • Proof of enrollment

Who Can Apply?:

  • High school or undergraduate students
  • US citizens
  • At least 18 years old

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $500 per month ($6,000 in total)

Healthline Stronger Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Demonstration of leadership, community involvement, and commitment to resolving inequality in healthcare.

Who Can Apply?:

  • College seniors, college juniors, or graduate students

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000

Maureen C. Pace Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 400 to 600 word essay explaining why you chose nursing.

Who Can Apply?:

  • Resident of New York
  • High school seniors, undergraduate students or graduate students.

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,000

Donald E. Pizzini Memorial Nurse Scholarship (Montana)

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Filled out application form
  • Official transcript documents
  • Proof of acceptance
  • 2 recommendation letters
  • Pass the initial interview
  • US Citizenship (or a residence visa)
  • Montana resident

Who Can Apply?:

  • College students enrolled in nursing programs and fields related to long term care
  • HCPs working in long term care settings and simultaneously pursuing nursing degrees.
  • Must have plans to work or continue working in long term care facilities based in Montana

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,500

Green Law Firm Nursing Home and Elderly Care Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Filled out application form
  • Official transcript documents
  • Cover letter
  • 500-1000 word essay

Who Can Apply?:

  • Currently working in elderly care facilities such as nursing homes
  • Currently enrolled in a BSN or ADN-to-BSN bridge program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $1,500

Marsha’s Angels Scholarship Fund (Sedgwick County, Kansas)

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Filled out application form

Who Can Apply?:

  • Nursing program students based in Sedgwick County, KS or its surrounding counties.
  • Students who are not based in Sedgwick County, but are enrolled in nursing programs in the area, a surrounding county, or St. Luke’s College of Health Sciences (found in Kansas City, MO.)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,000 per year

Mary Eliza Mahoney Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Members of non-nursing labor unions not working as nurses
  • Enrollment in an accredited nursing program
  • Minnesota native
  • Completed at least one semester in said nursing program
  • People of color and especially indigenous people are given preference
  • Should join Minnesota Nurses Association upon successful application

Who Can Apply?:

  • 1 recommendation letter from faculty members
  • 1 recommendation letter from a union leader
  • 1 recommendation letter from a personal reference
  • 300 to 500 word essay
  • Filled out application form
  • Official transcript documents

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,500 per semester and potentially $10,000 in total

National Association of Hispanic Nurses Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Academic letter of recommendation
  • 500 word essay
  • Letter of recommendation from the NAHN
  • Transcript documents
  • CV
  • Proof of enrollment to an accredited nursing program

Who Can Apply?:

  • Currently enrolled full time in an accredited nursing program
  • Must be an NAHN member with good academic standing

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: depends

Foundation of National Student Nurses’ Association Online Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Faculty member and financial aid certification form
  • Unofficial transcript documents
  • $10 submission fee

Who Can Apply?:

  • US Citizens, permanent residents or owners of Alien Registration numbers.
  • Undergraduate students enrolled in ADN, SN, Diploma, Direct Entry Master’s, RN to BSN/MSN bridge programs, LPN, RN, or accelerated programs.
  • Graduated after July 1

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: varies

American Red Cross Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Complete two part essay
  • Fill out application form

Who Can Apply?:

  • 1 year of college credit
  • Good academic standing in an accredited US nursing program
  • Has completed Red Cross volunteer work in the last 5 years

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $3,000

Coursey Enterprises Student Scholarships

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out application online
  • 200 word personal essay
  • Personal photo

Who Can Apply?:

  • First year nursing students
  • Must be enrolled in an RN/LPN program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $250

Unigo $10K Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out online application
  • 250 word essay based on current prompt

Who Can Apply?:

  • 13 years or older by the time of application
  • Legal US residents

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?:  $10,000

The Kim and Harold Louie Family Foundation Scholarship Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 4 GPA or higher
  • 1200/1600 or 1800/2400 SAT score
  • (alternatively) 25 ACT score

Who Can Apply?:

  • High school students or college students enrolled in a college in the US
  • Must be a Freshman for the coming school year

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: Depends

Steven Bufton Memorial Educational Fund Legacy Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out application on the website

Who Can Apply?:

  • Female students
  • Enrolled in a nursing program
  • Must be in their sophomore or freshman year

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000–$10,000.

Purple Heart Scholarship Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Graduate or upcoming graduate of highschool, or a GED program
  • Recently accepted into an accredited US college, trade school, or university
  • 75 GPA or higher
  • Fill out online application
  • Personal essay
  • Letter of recommendation

Who Can Apply?:

  • Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
  • The spouses, widows/widowers, or direct descendants of said members

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: Varies

Asian American / Pacific Islander Nurses Association Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Two years of AAPINA membership
  • Currently an active member
  • Enrolled in an accredited nursing program
  • CV
  • Two letters of recommendation

Who Can Apply?:

  • AAPINA Members
  • Currently pursuing nursing degree (undergraduate or graduate)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $500

New Mexico Center for Nursing Excellence Nightingale Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements:

  • 5 GPA or higher
  • Transcript documents
  • Personal essay
  • Completion of at least 1 semester of nursing courses
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • Filled out application form

Who Can Apply?:

  • Nursing students enrolled in ADN, BSN, RN to BSN, or advanced nursing degree programs based in New Mexico
  • Either New Mexico residency or membership with the Navajo Nation

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $2,500

Missouri Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Repayment Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out application form
  • Personal essay
  • Proof of Missouri residency
  • Most recent income tax return
  • Financial aid award notice given by school
  • Analysis of financial need

Who Can Apply?:

  • Enrolled/accepted in a Missouri-based nursing program
  • Will agree to practice within a Missouri Health Professional Shortage Area after graduation
  • Currently pursuing a nursing degree or license

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: $5,000 (LPNs) or $10,000 (RN, ADN, DN, BSN, MSN, APN, DNP students)

NurseCorps Scholarship Program

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Fill out application form
  • US citizenship or lawful permanent residence

Who Can Apply?:

  • No current service commitments
  • No overdue federal judgment liens or debt
  • Nursing students enrolled in accredited undergraduate degree programs

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover?: Full tuition + monthly stipend and reasonable costs covered Healthcare Leaders Scholarship

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,500

Who Can Apply? :

  • Students entering or enrolled in a nursing or medical program
  • S. citizens
  • Must be at least 17 years of age
  • Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application form with enrollment information
  • 3 short personal essays

Learn more about the Healthcare Leaders Scholarship.

Nurses Pub Scholarship

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : varies

Who Can Apply? :

  • Students currently in a vocational, ADN, or BSN program

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application form

Learn more about the Nurses Pub Scholarship.

Nursing Economic$ Foundation Scholarship (National)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $5,000+

Who Can Apply? :

  • RNs accepted into a master’s or doctoral program focusing on administration or management
  • Must be a U.S. citizen

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application form
  • Transcripts
  • Test scores
  • Resume
  • Special requirements
  • Degree tuition information

Learn more about the Nursing Economic$ Foundation Scholarship.

Oregon Nurses Foundation Smith Education Scholarship

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : up to $5,000

Who Can Apply? :

  • Must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program, and have completed at least 1 term
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5
  • Cannot be an ONF staff member

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application forms
  • Official transcripts
  • 3 letters of recommendation submitted directly by references

Learn more about the Oregon Nurses Foundation Smith Education Scholarship.

Philippine Nurses Association of America Scholarships (National)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000 (per semester)

Who Can Apply? :

  • Students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees in nursing
  • Must be members of the PNAA at least 1 year before the application deadline
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Must be enrolled or accepted into an accredited nursing program

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application forms

Learn more about the Philippine Nurses Association of America Scholarships.

Promise of Nursing Faculty Fellowship (California)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000–$7,500 per year

Who Can Apply? :

  • Must be a BSN nurse enrolled in a graduate program in California
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Must be enrolled in a graduate school program in California
  • Must be currently in courses and registered for at least 6 credits
  • Must commit to stay within California once the program is complete
  • Must have established financial need

Scholarship Requirements :

  • CV
  • Most current academic transcript
  • Dean/director certification
  • One letter of reference from a professional colleague
  • Financial aid certification
  • Copy of your current RN license

Learn more about the Promise of Nursing Faculty Fellowship.

Romeo Nursing Scholarship (National)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $700

Who Can Apply? :

  • Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in nursing

Scholarship Requirements :

  • 400- to 600-word essay on why it is important to you to pursue nursing as a career path

Learn more about the Romeo Nursing Scholarship.

Tolliver Annual Nursing Scholarship (Kentucky)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $1,000

Who Can Apply? :

  • High school seniors in Kentucky pursuing a nursing degree
  • Must be applying to an accredited college in Kentucky
  • Open to 2-year and 4-year degree programs

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Email sponsors for requirements
  • Application form
  • Essay required

Learn more about the Tolliver Annual Nursing Scholarship by emailing the Law Firm of Jack Tolliver, MD & associates.

Tylenol Future Care Scholarship (National)

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : $5,000–$10,000

Who Can Apply? :

  • Graduate students or college seniors enrolled in accredited nursing and health sciences programs
  • Must be a resident of the U.S., Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia
  • Must have 1 or more years of school remaining

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Proof of enrollment to a graduate program in medical school, nursing, or pharmacy
  • Personal essay

Learn more about the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship.

Vermont Nursing Workforce Incentive Loan Forgiveness Program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : up to full tuition forgiveness

Who Can Apply? :

  • Nursing students enrolled in an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding anywhere in the U.S.
  • LPN, ADN, BSN, and graduate students
  • Vermont and non-Vermont residents
  • Must maintain good academic standing

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Must agree to work in Vermont for a minimum of 1 year following licensure (travel nurses excluded)
  • Completed FAFSA application

Learn more about the Vermont Nursing Workforce Incentive Loan Forgiveness Program.

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Nursing Scholarships

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : varies

Who Can Apply? :

  • Students enrolled in a degree program in nursing or nursing education
  • Must be at an accredited school approved for Title IV funding
  • Must be a Vermont resident
  • Must be a U.S. citizen

Scholarship Requirements :

  • A Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) online account
  • Application forms
  • Personal essay

Learn more about VSAC-assisted scholarships.

Washington State Nurse Educator Loan Repayment Program

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : varies

Who Can Apply? :

  • Nurse educators and clinical care nurses in the state of Washington
  • Must commit to serving as a faculty member in an approved Washington nursing school for a specific time frame
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or eligible to work in Washington State
  • Must meet minimum working requirements of 1 class per quarter for 3 semesters

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application form

Learn more about the Washington State Nurse Educator Loan Repayment Program.

Wisconsin Nurses Association Educational Scholarships

How Much Does the Scholarship Cover? : up to $4,000

Who Can Apply? :

  • Nurses enrolled in a BSN, MSN, or DNP program
  • Must be a resident of Wisconsin and member of WNA

Scholarship Requirements :

  • Application form
  • Copy of your Wisconsin RN license
  • Evidence of acceptance into an accredited program
  • CV or resume
  • Personal letter identifying your professional goals, and how you’ll contribute to nursing care in Wisconsin
  • Letter of support/recommendation
  • Written description of financial need
HCP Facilities

The Best Holiday Gifts for Healthcare Professionals

In the spirit of the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to express appreciation for the unwavering dedication and hard work of healthcare professionals (HCPs). Thoughtful gifts can go a long way in showing gratitude and recognizing the sacrifices made by those on the front lines of healthcare. Whether you’re looking for a personal touch or a practical item, this comprehensive guide provides a myriad of holiday gift ideas that not only express thanks but also cater to the well-being and interests of healthcare staff.

Gift cards

A versatile and always-appreciated option is the classic gift card. Opt for cards from popular retailers, restaurants, or online stores to give healthcare professionals the flexibility to choose something they truly enjoy. This not only shows appreciation but also allows them to treat themselves to a well-deserved break or a personal indulgence.

Spa trips

Healthcare professionals often face demanding schedules and high-stress environments. Consider gifting spa vouchers for massages or wellness treatments, offering them a chance to relax and rejuvenate. Aromatherapy diffusers with calming essential oils create a soothing atmosphere at home, providing a peaceful retreat after a long day. High-quality teas or coffee blends can also contribute to a moment of tranquility during breaks.

Coffee makers

Speaking of coffee: Most HCPs can go with a nice, quick shot of caffeine. Though instant coffee often does the trick, having the option to treat yourself to a nice machine brewed blend is always appreciated. If you feel like spending a little extra, the Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker is a powerful, easy to use option for any coffee lovers in the workplace. Just be sure they do not already have their own elaborate espresso setups.


The right gadgets can enhance the daily lives of healthcare professionals. Noise-canceling headphones offer a peaceful break during busy shifts, allowing them to enjoy moments of silence or listen to music. Affordable and high quality, the TAGRY Bluetooth Headphones are well worth considering, if you are looking for gifts for your HCP friends. If you want to spend a little extra, JBL, Bose, and Sony all create high quality headphones.

Instant Pot

Cooking is a great hobby that allows you to make dishes catered to your tastes while saving on food expenses. With that said, cooking can be time and energy consuming, especially for HCPs who just finished their 12 hour shifts. The Instant Pot is a powerful and versatile answer to this quandary. It lets you cook 6 hour stews and soups and keeps them warm for you until you get back home. It also lets you pressure cook quick and easy meals that suit your fast lifestyle, while remaining both delicious and healthy. You can grab your own Instant Pot online, for just under $100.

Indulgent Christmas treats

Delight the taste buds of healthcare professionals with gourmet treats. High-quality chocolates, gourmet cookies, or a basket of assorted snacks provide a sweet and indulgent break during hectic schedules. Everyone can appreciate a nice Ferrero-Rocher, which you can buy for packs of 2 over at Amazon. Gift baskets filled with premium nuts, dried fruits, and cheeses offer a sophisticated culinary experience.

Nursing fanny pack

Carrying around your nursing tools in the hospital can be incredibly cumbersome and inefficient. The right fanny pack makes bringing your nursing scissors, pens, stethoscopes way more simple. Because of how compact these bags are, carrying them around is a far more convenient process. This is all while having the space you need, to carry most of your nursing essentials. The First Lifesaver 4-in-1 Nurse Fanny Pack accommodates all your nursing tools and allows you to carry all your nursing essentials in style.

Fitness equipment

Promote a healthy lifestyle with fitness equipment. Yoga mats, resistance bands, or small home workout equipment make thoughtful gifts for healthcare professionals who prioritize physical well-being. Additionally, gift cards to fitness classes or a local gym provide opportunities for them to engage in enjoyable and invigorating activities.

Culinary gifts

For healthcare professionals who enjoy culinary pursuits, consider cooking or baking kits that allow them to create delicious treats at home. Specialty oils, spices, or gourmet food items add a touch of luxury to their culinary endeavors, making the holiday season even more delightful.

Art and decoration

Enhance the work environment with art and decor items. Art prints or decorative pieces add a touch of personality to their workspace, creating a more inviting and inspiring atmosphere. Indoor plants or succulents provide a touch of nature, contributing to a positive and calming ambiance.


You can never have too many stethoscopes, as an HCP. Regardless of your level, they are an invaluable tool as they allow you to check a patient’s condition through their various vital signs. Not all stethoscopes are created equal, however. Certain models boast better sound quality and more durable material compared to their cheaper counterparts. We particularly recommend the 3M 6163 Littmann Cardiology IV Black Chestpiece Stethoscope, as it can be used in a variety of different settings and is made of high quality stainless steel and rubber.

Hand-written thank you notes

Convey your heartfelt appreciation with handwritten thank-you notes. A sincere and personal touch, these notes can express gratitude for their hard work and dedication. Consider collecting notes from colleagues or patients to create a gratitude booklet, showcasing the collective appreciation for their invaluable contributions.


In conclusion, holiday gifts for healthcare professionals serve as meaningful tokens of appreciation for their tireless efforts and commitment to the well-being of others. Whether it’s a relaxing spa day, a personalized item, or a thoughtful gadget, these gifts are not only a gesture of thanks but also a way to contribute to their well-being and enjoyment. Tailor your gift choice to the individual preferences and interests of the healthcare professionals, ensuring that your expression of gratitude resonates on a personal level. This holiday season, let’s celebrate and honor the dedicated healthcare professionals who make a difference every day.

Facilities HCP

How Healthcare Facilities Can Create a Healthy Workplace Environment 

It is no secret that healthcare is currently facing a massive retention issue. To stop healthcare providers (HCPs) from leaving the industry in droves, facilities have to invest in fostering healthy and welcoming work environments. To learn why this is so important and how this can be accomplished. Read the article below.

What characterizes a “healthy” workplace environment?

The mental and physical aspects of a workplace inform each other, and must be equally recognized as a result. The “physical” aspect safety from exposure to viruses and bodily injuries, along with nutrition and fitness. Mental health refers to a patient’s emotional wellbeing, their satisfaction with their current contributions, and their sense of agency within the workplace. How they get along with their teammates, and their sense of “belonging” within the workplace is also important, as healthcare is an extremely collaborative process. The idea of a “healthy workplace” is multifaceted. Healthy work environments protect both an HCP’s mental and physical health, in equal measure.

Why is a healthy work environment so important?

On a basic level, healthcare facilities owe it to their HCPs to protect them. A number of facilities have fostered toxic workplace environments rife with distrust, miscommunication and workplace harassment. Healthcare is already a dangerous line of work where professionals are expected to expose themselves to infectious diseases and death on a regular basis. For that reason alone, facility managers need to protect the employees under their payroll from further abuse and mistreatment.

In addition, some studies have drawn a positive correlation between a healthier workplace environment and better productivity. When HCPs are looked after, they are mentally present and physically prepared for the workday ahead of them. This reduces the risk of costly medical errors that come about thanks to waning focus, due to a lack of energy. HCPs who feel valued by their employers are also less likely to leave their positions, which decreases turnover rates across the organization. In short, everyone wins when HCPs are happy.

How can I create a healthy workplace environment for my HCPs?

Fostering a healthy workplace environment requires a great deal of organizational commitment, from top to bottom. Managers and CEOs must lead by example and invest resources intelligently, if they want to create a welcoming workplace culture for their employees. Though there is no “one size fits all” solution, these are several effective ways to establish said culture:

Protect your HCPs

Burnout and overwork has been the main challenge faced by facilities, in a post-pandemic world. Younger HCPs have felt depressed, overworked, and dissatisfied with their profession, which has resulted in widespread turnover on a national scale. A great deal of these issues can be traced back to inadequate staffing ratios. Without proper staffing levels, HCPs are forced to take on an unsustainably large number of patients, at a time. Shifting between various complex responsibilities drains healthcare workers, accelerates burnout, and opens the door for medical errors that put the patient in danger. Staffing adequately is the first step to ensuring a healthy work environment. If you cannot afford bringing in a full-time staff member, then flexible solutions like VitaWerks will allow you to temporarily on-board qualified and ready-to-contribute HCPs.

Consider cultural alignment

You cannot indiscriminately onboard HCPs, based on your resume alone. Every workplace has their own unique set of mission statements and values. An HCP that thrives with one type of culture may not connect with another. Keep this in mind, when you bring them for an interview. Get a feel of what they prioritize, how much they knew about your facility beforehand, and what they felt about the culture of their previous workplace. At the same time, you can project the culture and approach that your facility likes to take. Both parties can get a sense as to whether their visions align with each other, and can proceed from there.

Lead by example

It is one thing to “talk about” the culture you intend to project, and what HCPs can expect when they work in your facility. Following up on your words with actions is a different matter entirely. If you want your staff to buy into the facility culture, you need to show them that you are committed to it as well. Managers who want to foster an environment of collaboration must be team players themselves. They need to encourage HCPs to provide their inputs during crucial round ups. If possible, they should arrange team meetings and welcome feedback from everyone, regarding current operations. If you want to promote gratitude on a staff-wide level, you should take any opportunity to thank your HCPs for a job well done. All this may not seem like much, but it adds up. If you are committed, the rest of your team will believe what you have to say.


Creating a healthier workplace environment is not easy. Everyone needs to commit to a single vision, and it starts from the top. Without a company-wide commitment to excellence and clear mission statement, this is hard to achieve. Ultimately, the payoff is well worth the investment.

Facilities HCP

12 Tips for Nurses for Safe and Healthy Holiday Travels


The holiday season is synonymous with joy, celebration, and travel. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle during your holiday adventures is crucial to ensure you return home rejuvenated rather than fatigued. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into expert tips for healthy holiday travel, covering everything from nutrition and hydration to sleep, exercise, and stress management. Whether you’re jetting off to exotic destinations or embarking on a road trip, these tips will help you prioritize your well-being and make the most of your holiday experience.

1. Stay Hydrated

One of the fundamental aspects of healthy travel is staying adequately hydrated. Dehydration can be a common concern, especially during air travel. Begin by hydrating well before your journey, and continue drinking water throughout. Consider carrying a reusable water bottle to refill during your travels. Opt for water-rich fruits like watermelon and cucumber as snacks to contribute to your fluid intake. Staying hydrated not only supports overall well-being but also helps combat the fatigue often associated with long journeys.

2. Eat Nutritious Foods

Maintaining a balanced diet while traveling is essential for your energy levels and overall health. Instead of relying on airport or roadside fast food, pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and granola bars. When dining out, aim for balanced meals with a mix of lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. Research restaurants in advance to find nutritious options, and don’t be afraid to customize your order to meet your dietary preferences. Bringing healthy snacks and drinks allows you to stay energized, without consuming unwanted excess calories.

3. Get Adequate Sleep

Amidst the excitement of travel, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. Establish a sleep routine, even if you’re adjusting to a different time zone. Consider using a sleep mask and earplugs to create a comfortable sleep environment, especially in unfamiliar places. If you’re flying across time zones, adjust your sleeping and waking hours gradually in the days leading up to your trip. Prioritizing quality sleep is a cornerstone of healthy travel and ensures you’re ready to embrace each day of your holiday.

3. Exercise Regularly

Incorporating physical activity into your travel plans is an effective way to stay healthy and energized. During layovers, take short walks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. If you’re road tripping, plan rest stops that allow for a quick workout or a brisk walk. Many hotels are equipped with gyms, so take advantage of these facilities to maintain your regular exercise routine. Additionally, consider activities at your destination that involve movement, such as hiking, biking, or exploring on foot. Exercise not only contributes to physical well-being but also enhances your mood, making your holiday experience more enjoyable.

4. Pack Medications and First Aid Kit

Ensuring you have the necessary medications and a basic first aid kit is a proactive step in safeguarding your health during holiday travel. Pack any prescription medications in their original containers, and bring an ample supply for the duration of your trip. Include over-the-counter essentials like pain relievers, antacids, and a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any specific items you may need for existing health conditions. Being prepared for minor health issues can alleviate stress and allow you to focus on enjoying your holiday without concerns about your well-being.

5. Practice Good Hand Hygiene

Maintaining good hand hygiene is crucial, especially when traveling through crowded airports or public transportation hubs. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and carry a travel-sized hand sanitizer for times when hand washing facilities are not readily available. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, to minimize the risk of transferring germs. When you build good habits, you drastically lessen the risk of catching a cold, or something worse while you travel abroad.

6. Manage Stress

Traveling can be inherently stressful, but managing stress is key to maintaining overall well-being. Incorporate stress-relief practices into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music. Take breaks when needed, and avoid over-scheduling your itinerary to allow for moments of relaxation. Prioritize self-care, whether it’s reading a book, enjoying a soothing bath, or simply taking a leisurely stroll. By adopting stress-management techniques, you can enhance your holiday experience and return home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

7. Protect Your Skin

Whether you’re heading to a sunny beach destination or a snowy winter wonderland, protecting your skin is essential. Use sunscreen with a high SPF to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, especially in sunny climates. If you’re traveling to colder regions, dress in layers to stay warm and protect your skin from harsh winds. Consider using moisturizers to prevent dryness, and pack lip balm to keep your lips hydrated. By taking care of your skin, you not only promote physical well-being but also ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable holiday experience.

8. Stay Mindful of Alcohol Consumption

While it’s tempting to indulge in holiday festivities, it’s important to be mindful of alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking can have negative effects on your health and well-being. Consume alcohol in moderation, and intersperse alcoholic beverages with water to stay hydrated. Be aware of your limits and know when to say no to additional drinks. If you’re taking medications, check whether alcohol interacts with them and, if needed, consult with your healthcare provider. By approaching alcohol responsibly, you can enjoy the holiday season without compromising your health.

9. Plan for Rest Stops

If your holiday travel involves long drives, planning for regular rest stops is essential for maintaining physical well-being. Take breaks to stretch your legs, hydrate, and refresh during your journey. The CDC recommends that you take the time to jog, walk, or engage in some light exercise, to stay fit and warm. Plan your route in advance, identifying suitable locations for breaks, meals, and physical activity. By incorporating regular rest stops into your travel plans, you not only enhance your physical comfort but also contribute to a safer and more enjoyable road trip experience.

10. Stay Informed about Local Health Conditions

Before embarking on your holiday adventure, stay informed about local health conditions at your destination. Check for any health advisories, vaccination requirements, or specific precautions you need to take. This is particularly important when traveling to international destinations where health risks may vary. Consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you have any necessary vaccinations or medications. By being proactive and well-informed, you can mitigate health risks and focus on enjoying your holiday without concerns about potential health issues.

11. Practice Safe Travel Habits

Safety is paramount during holiday travel, and adopting safe travel habits is crucial. Always wear seatbelts when driving or riding in a vehicle, and follow traffic rules and regulations. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar places, to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. If you’re engaging in recreational activities at your destination, adhere to safety guidelines and use appropriate protective gear. By prioritizing safety, you create a foundation for a healthy and secure travel experience.

12. (For Mothers) Bring Breastfeeding Equipment

Breastfeeding on the go can be an enormous hassle, especially when you are traveling on air. Be sure you know where the breastfeeding stations are located in the airport or at your rest stops. A sling or soft carrier will help make the process far more elegant and hassle-free than it would be. You can also consider buying an electric pump and bringing bottles of breastmilk to your flights. This is permitted by airlines, provided you comply with the guidelines for liquid containers.


In conclusion, healthy holiday travel is achievable with careful planning and mindful choices. By incorporating these expert tips into your travel routine, you can prioritize your well-being and make the most of your holiday adventures. Whether you’re exploring new destinations, enjoying quality time with loved ones, or simply taking a well-deserved break, a commitment to health and wellness ensures that your holiday memories are not only joyful but also contribute to your long-term well-being. Safe travels and a healthy holiday season to you!


How HCPs Can Adjust to the Night Shift

Night shift nursing comes with its fair share of challenges. Taking your first night shift can be a huge shock to the system, as you must adjust your entire schedule to accommodate. With this guide, any healthcare provider (HCP) can make the necessary changes and succeed in their evening roles.

Why do nurses take on a night shift?

A patient’s medical conditions do not cease to exist, when they fall asleep. Patients require round-the-clock observation and care services from HCPs. There are also several personal reasons as to why a healthcare provider may prefer the night shift. Though it is still busy, hospitals typically see less visitors and staff in the night time. This makes it preferable for healthcare providers who prefer working with some peace and quiet. Because of how difficult yet important night-time nursing can be, evening shift HCPs usually earn bigger paychecks thanks to more favorable shift differentials.

What are the unique challenges presented by the night time shift?

Not everything is smooth sailing for the evening HCP. Physically adjusting to a night time schedule can be a brutal challenge. Like most creatures on Earth, humans follow a 24-hour Circadian rhythm where physical, mental, and behavioral changes occur based on a response to light and dark. As part of this cycle, melatonin releases in your body in the evening and causes you to get sleepy. Taking up the night shift will require you to break your own natural rhythm, which can cause insomnia, fatigue, poor quality sleep, and more.

Committing to the night shift may also disrupt your daily plans and activities. You are likely going to be working while your friends and family are asleep, and resting while they are awake. It is not impossible to accommodate for this, but it will require a massive collaborative effort and communication between everyone involved.

How do I survive as a night shift nurse?

Anyone can pull an all–nighter, whether it is at work or as a student. To thrive as an evening shift nurse, however, you need to make several adjustments to your regular routine. For your physical and mental well-being, these are the changes you must be ready to commit to, before you take on a night shift:

Make friends with fellow night shift workers

No one said you had to make these changes alone. Take this as an opportunity to build a rapport with your unit. Because of its unique demands, there is a greater sense of camaraderie between night shift workers. They may even provide some advice on what adjustments to make, or how to coordinate different schedules. Even outside of work, you can get familiar with other night owls such as designers and writers who work on overseas schedules, security guards, and more. Being able to talk to people who understand the unique demands of evening work can mean a lot.

Make changes to your diet

Studies have shown that night shift workers are 23% more susceptible to obesity. To stay awake, many HCPs end up turning to sugar and carbohydrate-rich dishes for a jolt of energy and stimulation. These make you sleepier throughout the entire day. Vegetables, healthy proteins, yogurt, nuts, and fruit are both flexible and nutritious, at the same time. Eating during the night also causes higher blood sugar. While your sleep schedule will change, you want to continue eating throughout the daytime while avoiding any big meals between 12am to 6am. If you must eat during your shift, stick to small healthy snacks spread throughout your shift.

Set a new sleep schedule 

Getting into a new sleep schedule is a unique challenge, but it is not necessarily impossible. You must fight your natural circadian rhythm, so there must be an allotted adjustment period. Experts recommend that you set aside at least a week before you start your new shift, to get used to sleeping throughout the day and staying awake at night. You will struggle to make these changes at first, but in time you will adjust.

Communicate and collaborate

 Committing to a night shift is also a major personal adjustment. You must take extra effort to spend time with your friends and family, but it is possible. There are pockets of time where both of you will be awake and free. Take advantage of this and plan some family time ahead. Be transparent throughout the entire process, and walk your family through your entire plan. Tell them why you want to take on a night shift role, how this will change your schedule, and the compromises you both must make if you want to spend time together. This step may prove to be the most important in the long term.


Taking on a night shift presents several unique challenges. In some ways, you must go against your natural instincts and body clock to make it work. As such, it is not for every HCP. If you are willing to accept the sacrifices, however, then the rewards are plentiful. Night shift nurses are compensated better, and enjoy a slightly more peaceful environment. In some ways, there is a special camaraderie between fellow night owls that cannot be found anywhere else. Night shift nurses who are willing to make these compromises will find a richly rewarding line of work, both personally and professionally.

HCP Facilities

HCP of the Month November 2023 – Confidence

We are pleased to recognize Confidence as our HCP of the month. Born and raised in Nigeria, she moved to the US in 2019 and has over five years of experience working as a CNA. Although she joined our platform in June, Confidence has already left a strong impression with our partnered facilities. Her supervisors and coworkers at the places where she picked up shifts were all complimentary of her.

Outside of work, Confidence is a woman of many interests. She enjoys hair braiding in her free time and is also fond of eating jollof rice, an African delicacy that is native to her homeland, Nigeria.

Despite the fact that she is new to the VitaWerks platform, she has already taken advantage of our booking app and its numerous features. “It has been a great experience so far,” Confidence shared with us. “I receive my pay with no delay; booking shifts is also easy; and the Nurse Champions are so accommodating, whenever I have a question, they are always quick to respond.”

For her outstanding contributions, she deserves nothing less than the best rates and CNA gigs in her area. Wherever her career takes her, we are there to offer a helping hand!


Renewing Your RN License in Hawaii: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a Registered Nurse (RN) based in Hawaii? Is your license renewal period reaching its end, and you are not quite sure what to do?  Staying up-to-date with the renewal process is vital to continue practicing legally and to ensure your nursing career remains in good standing. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps and requirements for renewing your RN license in the beautiful state of Hawaii. It’s essential to note that renewal processes and requirements can change, so always double-check the latest information on the Hawaii State Board of Nursing website.

The Renewal Period

RNs in Hawaii typically renew their licenses every two years. The renewal period usually opens a few months before your license’s expiration date. To ensure you don’t miss the renewal window, keep an eye out for a renewal notice from the Hawaii State Board of Nursing.

Continuing Education Requirements

Continuing Education (CE) is one of the most important requirements for renewing RN licenses across the country, and Hawaii is not an exception. As a nurse, staying current with best practices and healthcare advancements is not just beneficial for your career but also essential for the safety and well-being of your patients. The specific CE requirements may vary over time, so make sure to check the latest requirements on the Board of Nursing’s website.

Here are some general guidelines for CE:

  • Hawaii typically requires a specific number of CE hours, often ranging from 30 to 60 hours, depending on the renewal cycle.
  • A portion of your CE hours may need to be in specific categories such as ethics, infection control, or domestic violence.
  • Make sure to keep meticulous records of your completed CE hours, as you may need to provide documentation during the renewal process.

Renewal Application

The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) provides an online platform for RN license renewal. Many states have shifted towards online application process, and it has made things easier and more convenient for healthcare providers across all levels. To renew your license, follow these steps:

  • Access the Renewal Portal: Visit the DCCA website and access the RN license renewal portal.
  • Provide Personal Information: The application will ask for personal information, including your full name, contact details, and license number. Ensure that you provide accurate information.
  • CE Documentation: Upload any required documentation related to your completed CE hours. It’s crucial to maintain these records for verification.
  • Payment: Be prepared to pay the renewal fee. The fee amount can vary, so it’s important to verify the current fee schedule on the DCCA website.
  • Submit Your Application: After completing the online application and payment, submit your application. You will receive a confirmation or receipt that your renewal application has been received.

Background Check

As part of the renewal process, Hawaii may conduct a criminal background check. Ensure you have a clean record and there are no outstanding issues that could affect your license renewal. Any potential concerns should be addressed before initiating the renewal process.

Verification of Employment or Inactivity

Hawaii may require you to provide evidence of your employment or explain any gaps in your employment history during the renewal process. If you’ve been actively working as an RN, you should be prepared to provide verification of your employment. On the other hand, if you’ve experienced periods of inactivity, provide an explanation as required.

Late Renewal

To avoid additional fees or complications, it’s essential to renew your RN license well in advance of the expiration date. Falling behind on your renewal can lead to extra costs and potential disruptions in your ability to practice. Therefore, be proactive about renewal and make it a priority.

Military Exemptions

If you’re on active military duty or are a military spouse, Hawaii may have exemptions or different renewal requirements. These exemptions are often in place to accommodate the unique circumstances of military service. Be sure to check with the Board of Nursing to understand the specific information and requirements applicable to military personnel.

Additional Tips and Resources

  • Stay Informed: Renewal requirements can change over time. To ensure you have the most current information, periodically check the Hawaii State Board of Nursing website or subscribe to their email updates.
  • Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of your CE hours, employment verification, and any other documents relevant to your license renewal. This will help you streamline the renewal process.
  • Set Reminders: Given the importance of renewing your RN license, set reminders for yourself well in advance of your license’s expiration date. This proactive approach can help you avoid last-minute stress and potential complications.
  • Ask for Help: If you encounter any challenges or have questions during the renewal process, don’t hesitate to contact the Hawaii State Board of Nursing for guidance and assistance.
  • Networking: Joining professional nursing associations in Hawaii can provide valuable resources, information, and support for your career, including license renewal advice.
  • Plan for the Future: As you go through the renewal process, consider your long-term career goals and how your RN license fits into your plans. It’s an excellent time to set career objectives and create a roadmap for professional growth.


If you want to succeed in the healthcare industry, you need to be diligent about renewing your RN license in Hawaii. Staying informed, fulfilling continuing education requirements, and meeting all renewal requirements ensures you can continue providing high-quality care to your patients. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying current with the Hawaii State Board of Nursing’s requirements, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the renewal process smoothly and maintain your nursing license in the Aloha State. Remember to regularly check the Board of Nursing’s website for updates to stay on top of any changes to the renewal process.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please visit the Hawaii State Board of Nursing website or contact the board directly. Your RN license renewal is a crucial step in your nursing career, and ensuring you meet all the requirements will allow you to continue making a positive impact on the health and well-being of the people of Hawaii.

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Maryland RN License Renewal Guide

Renewing your Registered Nurse (RN) license is a vital aspect of maintaining your nursing career in Maryland. The process might seem daunting at times, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth and straightforward experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps and requirements for RN license renewal in Maryland. Whether you’re a seasoned nurse or a recent graduate, understanding this process is essential to continue providing the highest quality healthcare.

Why RN License Renewal Matters

Maintaining your RN license is not just a legal requirement. It shows that you are committed to your continuous growth and improvement in the healthcare space. Thanks to advances in technology and research, healthcare best practices and approaches are changing by the day. Regular renewal ensures that you are up to date with the latest developments in healthcare, which benefits both you and your patients. So, let’s delve into the steps to renew your RN license in Maryland.

Step-by-Step Guide to RN License Renewal in Maryland

  1. Verify Eligibility: Before you begin the renewal process, confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria. Generally, Maryland RN licenses need to be renewed every two years.
  2. Continuing Education Requirements: Maryland mandates that RNs complete continuing education (CE) as a part of the renewal process. The specific CE requirements can change, so it’s crucial to check the Maryland Board of Nursing’s website for the current standards. Make sure you’ve fulfilled these requirements to proceed.
  3. Receive Renewal Notice: The Maryland Board of Nursing typically sends out renewal notices to your last known address. Ensure your contact information is up to date with the Board to receive these notifications. You don’t want to miss the renewal deadline.
  4. Complete the Renewal Application: Visit the Maryland Board of Nursing’s website, where you can usually complete your license renewal application online. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided on the renewal application.
  5. Pay the Required Fees: To successfully renew your RN license, you will need to pay the necessary renewal fee. The fee amount can vary, so be sure to check the Board’s website or the renewal notice for the exact fee and accepted payment methods.
  6. Criminal Background Check: Some applicants may be required to undergo a criminal background check as part of the renewal process. Check the Maryland Board of Nursing website for details on who needs to complete this step.
  7. Submit Additional Documents: If requested, submit any additional documents or information that may be required for renewal. Ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information.
  8. Jurisprudence Exam: In some states, including Maryland, RNs are required to take a jurisprudence or state-specific nursing law and ethics exam as part of the renewal process. Be sure to check the Maryland Board of Nursing website for any such requirements, and prepare accordingly.
  9. Maintain CPR Certification: Keeping your CPR certification up to date is essential. Many healthcare facilities require RNs to maintain a valid CPR certification, and this is typically verified during the renewal process.
  10. Renewal Deadline: Be mindful of the renewal deadline. Missing the deadline can result in additional fees or penalties. Mark it in your calendar and set reminders to ensure you submit your renewal application on time.
  11. Keep Contact Information Updated: It’s crucial to keep your contact information updated with the Maryland Board of Nursing. This ensures that you receive important renewal notifications promptly and don’t miss any essential deadlines.
  12. Verification and Confirmation : After submitting your renewal application and all required documentation, the Maryland Board of Nursing will verify your information and process your renewal. You should receive confirmation that your RN license has been successfully renewed. Remember to keep a copy of this confirmation for your records.

Final Tips for RN License Renewal in Maryland

  • Start the renewal process well in advance to avoid last-minute hassles.
  • Keep thorough records of your continuing education activities.
  • Stay informed about changes in Maryland’s nursing laws and regulations.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact the Maryland Board of Nursing for clarification or assistance with the renewal process.


Renewing your RN license in Maryland is a fundamental step in maintaining your nursing career. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but it is totally manageable. As long as you prepare everything early, the RN license renewal process should be a rather swift and painless one. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide and staying up-to-date with the Maryland Board of Nursing’s requirements, you can ensure your license remains active, and you can continue providing high-quality healthcare to your patients.

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