
5 Best Practices for Exclusionary Screening

Healthcare is more than just the technical and physical labor. To win the trust of your patients, you need to have ethics, principles, and a strong moral base. Healthcare facilities are entrusted with the lives, continued health, and sensitive information of the patients they work with, which is why healthcare facilities want to avoid bringing in applicants who have previously breached healthcare policy, in the past. To ensure that never happens, most facilities go through a process called “exclusion screening.” Why do so many organizations commit to this, and how can it be adopted successfully? This article answers all these questions and more.

What is Exclusion Screening?

Put simply, exclusion screening is when a facility checks whether or not an applicant is ‘prohibited” from any federally funded programs. In addition to a regular background check, employers will search for your name in federal and state exclusion lists. If your name does not pop up on any of these lists, then you have passed the screening process.

For example: When you commit a healthcare crime, The Office of Inspector General puts you on a list and prohibits you from receiving funds from Medicare and Medicaid. All excluded individuals are put on a publicly available List of Excluded Individuals/Entities, for convenience’s sake.

Why is exclusion screening so important?

There are pragmatic and ethical reasons as to why facilities invest in exclusion screening. For starters, employing healthcare professionals who are on the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities is a fineable offense. Facilities can be charged up to $10,000 for every service or item they provide during work. A follow-up assessment could multiply this amount by three, and facilities may even get excluded from federal healthcare programs altogether.

Then there are the moral reasons. Patients trust facilities with their lives, health, and extremely sensitive information. Putting untrustworthy individuals in these rules jeopardizes the continued safety of patients and residents, as well as the reputation of the healthcare industry at large. Facilities owe it to their patients to ensure that the healthcare professionals treating them are upstanding citizens who follow healthcare laws and regulations.

How do you effectively exclusion screen?

Exclusion screening is not something that hiring managers can half-heartedly do. It requires commitment and investment towards being as thorough as you possibly can be. For a smooth screening process, we have gathered a number of prescient tips for you:

Determine pertinent databases

While resources like the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities, different states have different procedures. Some exclusionary databases are only relevant in certain states, and failure to check them could result in fines. Familiarize yourself with the databases you are legally required to check, for exclusionary screening. You also want to know what information the databases provide, and what you are looking for when you name search.

Bring in legal counsel

If possible, working with legal counsel will help you cover all your bases. Reporting and terminating an employee caught breaking healthcare laws has a specific process that facilities must follow, unless they want to get into legal trouble. Having legal counsel will let you know whether or not your actions are in-line with these processes or in violation of them.

Document findings for future reference

If you terminate an employee, there is a good chance that they will threaten legal action. To show officials that you followed all the processes, and had good reason to deny someone employment, document all your findings while you screen someone. Screenshots, timestamps, and saved web pages can all be stored in a secure file.

Search individuals thoroughly

It is not enough to just search their names on a database. You want to input all the relevant information they sent to you, upon application. This includes social security numbers, previous names, addresses, birth dates and more. If possible, having a dedicated employee who is knowledgeable in sanction monitoring will make this process more convenient.

Screen before and after hiring

Every facility screens their new hires. What you may not know is that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recommends periodically screening employees on a monthly basis. This ensures that everyone on the payroll is continually in compliance with state and federal healthcare regulations.

HCP Facilities

The Best Holiday Gifts for Healthcare Professionals

In the spirit of the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to express appreciation for the unwavering dedication and hard work of healthcare professionals (HCPs). Thoughtful gifts can go a long way in showing gratitude and recognizing the sacrifices made by those on the front lines of healthcare. Whether you’re looking for a personal touch or a practical item, this comprehensive guide provides a myriad of holiday gift ideas that not only express thanks but also cater to the well-being and interests of healthcare staff.

Gift cards

A versatile and always-appreciated option is the classic gift card. Opt for cards from popular retailers, restaurants, or online stores to give healthcare professionals the flexibility to choose something they truly enjoy. This not only shows appreciation but also allows them to treat themselves to a well-deserved break or a personal indulgence.

Spa trips

Healthcare professionals often face demanding schedules and high-stress environments. Consider gifting spa vouchers for massages or wellness treatments, offering them a chance to relax and rejuvenate. Aromatherapy diffusers with calming essential oils create a soothing atmosphere at home, providing a peaceful retreat after a long day. High-quality teas or coffee blends can also contribute to a moment of tranquility during breaks.

Coffee makers

Speaking of coffee: Most HCPs can go with a nice, quick shot of caffeine. Though instant coffee often does the trick, having the option to treat yourself to a nice machine brewed blend is always appreciated. If you feel like spending a little extra, the Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker is a powerful, easy to use option for any coffee lovers in the workplace. Just be sure they do not already have their own elaborate espresso setups.


The right gadgets can enhance the daily lives of healthcare professionals. Noise-canceling headphones offer a peaceful break during busy shifts, allowing them to enjoy moments of silence or listen to music. Affordable and high quality, the TAGRY Bluetooth Headphones are well worth considering, if you are looking for gifts for your HCP friends. If you want to spend a little extra, JBL, Bose, and Sony all create high quality headphones.

Instant Pot

Cooking is a great hobby that allows you to make dishes catered to your tastes while saving on food expenses. With that said, cooking can be time and energy consuming, especially for HCPs who just finished their 12 hour shifts. The Instant Pot is a powerful and versatile answer to this quandary. It lets you cook 6 hour stews and soups and keeps them warm for you until you get back home. It also lets you pressure cook quick and easy meals that suit your fast lifestyle, while remaining both delicious and healthy. You can grab your own Instant Pot online, for just under $100.

Indulgent Christmas treats

Delight the taste buds of healthcare professionals with gourmet treats. High-quality chocolates, gourmet cookies, or a basket of assorted snacks provide a sweet and indulgent break during hectic schedules. Everyone can appreciate a nice Ferrero-Rocher, which you can buy for packs of 2 over at Amazon. Gift baskets filled with premium nuts, dried fruits, and cheeses offer a sophisticated culinary experience.

Nursing fanny pack

Carrying around your nursing tools in the hospital can be incredibly cumbersome and inefficient. The right fanny pack makes bringing your nursing scissors, pens, stethoscopes way more simple. Because of how compact these bags are, carrying them around is a far more convenient process. This is all while having the space you need, to carry most of your nursing essentials. The First Lifesaver 4-in-1 Nurse Fanny Pack accommodates all your nursing tools and allows you to carry all your nursing essentials in style.

Fitness equipment

Promote a healthy lifestyle with fitness equipment. Yoga mats, resistance bands, or small home workout equipment make thoughtful gifts for healthcare professionals who prioritize physical well-being. Additionally, gift cards to fitness classes or a local gym provide opportunities for them to engage in enjoyable and invigorating activities.

Culinary gifts

For healthcare professionals who enjoy culinary pursuits, consider cooking or baking kits that allow them to create delicious treats at home. Specialty oils, spices, or gourmet food items add a touch of luxury to their culinary endeavors, making the holiday season even more delightful.

Art and decoration

Enhance the work environment with art and decor items. Art prints or decorative pieces add a touch of personality to their workspace, creating a more inviting and inspiring atmosphere. Indoor plants or succulents provide a touch of nature, contributing to a positive and calming ambiance.


You can never have too many stethoscopes, as an HCP. Regardless of your level, they are an invaluable tool as they allow you to check a patient’s condition through their various vital signs. Not all stethoscopes are created equal, however. Certain models boast better sound quality and more durable material compared to their cheaper counterparts. We particularly recommend the 3M 6163 Littmann Cardiology IV Black Chestpiece Stethoscope, as it can be used in a variety of different settings and is made of high quality stainless steel and rubber.

Hand-written thank you notes

Convey your heartfelt appreciation with handwritten thank-you notes. A sincere and personal touch, these notes can express gratitude for their hard work and dedication. Consider collecting notes from colleagues or patients to create a gratitude booklet, showcasing the collective appreciation for their invaluable contributions.


In conclusion, holiday gifts for healthcare professionals serve as meaningful tokens of appreciation for their tireless efforts and commitment to the well-being of others. Whether it’s a relaxing spa day, a personalized item, or a thoughtful gadget, these gifts are not only a gesture of thanks but also a way to contribute to their well-being and enjoyment. Tailor your gift choice to the individual preferences and interests of the healthcare professionals, ensuring that your expression of gratitude resonates on a personal level. This holiday season, let’s celebrate and honor the dedicated healthcare professionals who make a difference every day.

Facilities HCP

How Healthcare Facilities Can Create a Healthy Workplace Environment 

It is no secret that healthcare is currently facing a massive retention issue. To stop healthcare providers (HCPs) from leaving the industry in droves, facilities have to invest in fostering healthy and welcoming work environments. To learn why this is so important and how this can be accomplished. Read the article below.

What characterizes a “healthy” workplace environment?

The mental and physical aspects of a workplace inform each other, and must be equally recognized as a result. The “physical” aspect safety from exposure to viruses and bodily injuries, along with nutrition and fitness. Mental health refers to a patient’s emotional wellbeing, their satisfaction with their current contributions, and their sense of agency within the workplace. How they get along with their teammates, and their sense of “belonging” within the workplace is also important, as healthcare is an extremely collaborative process. The idea of a “healthy workplace” is multifaceted. Healthy work environments protect both an HCP’s mental and physical health, in equal measure.

Why is a healthy work environment so important?

On a basic level, healthcare facilities owe it to their HCPs to protect them. A number of facilities have fostered toxic workplace environments rife with distrust, miscommunication and workplace harassment. Healthcare is already a dangerous line of work where professionals are expected to expose themselves to infectious diseases and death on a regular basis. For that reason alone, facility managers need to protect the employees under their payroll from further abuse and mistreatment.

In addition, some studies have drawn a positive correlation between a healthier workplace environment and better productivity. When HCPs are looked after, they are mentally present and physically prepared for the workday ahead of them. This reduces the risk of costly medical errors that come about thanks to waning focus, due to a lack of energy. HCPs who feel valued by their employers are also less likely to leave their positions, which decreases turnover rates across the organization. In short, everyone wins when HCPs are happy.

How can I create a healthy workplace environment for my HCPs?

Fostering a healthy workplace environment requires a great deal of organizational commitment, from top to bottom. Managers and CEOs must lead by example and invest resources intelligently, if they want to create a welcoming workplace culture for their employees. Though there is no “one size fits all” solution, these are several effective ways to establish said culture:

Protect your HCPs

Burnout and overwork has been the main challenge faced by facilities, in a post-pandemic world. Younger HCPs have felt depressed, overworked, and dissatisfied with their profession, which has resulted in widespread turnover on a national scale. A great deal of these issues can be traced back to inadequate staffing ratios. Without proper staffing levels, HCPs are forced to take on an unsustainably large number of patients, at a time. Shifting between various complex responsibilities drains healthcare workers, accelerates burnout, and opens the door for medical errors that put the patient in danger. Staffing adequately is the first step to ensuring a healthy work environment. If you cannot afford bringing in a full-time staff member, then flexible solutions like VitaWerks will allow you to temporarily on-board qualified and ready-to-contribute HCPs.

Consider cultural alignment

You cannot indiscriminately onboard HCPs, based on your resume alone. Every workplace has their own unique set of mission statements and values. An HCP that thrives with one type of culture may not connect with another. Keep this in mind, when you bring them for an interview. Get a feel of what they prioritize, how much they knew about your facility beforehand, and what they felt about the culture of their previous workplace. At the same time, you can project the culture and approach that your facility likes to take. Both parties can get a sense as to whether their visions align with each other, and can proceed from there.

Lead by example

It is one thing to “talk about” the culture you intend to project, and what HCPs can expect when they work in your facility. Following up on your words with actions is a different matter entirely. If you want your staff to buy into the facility culture, you need to show them that you are committed to it as well. Managers who want to foster an environment of collaboration must be team players themselves. They need to encourage HCPs to provide their inputs during crucial round ups. If possible, they should arrange team meetings and welcome feedback from everyone, regarding current operations. If you want to promote gratitude on a staff-wide level, you should take any opportunity to thank your HCPs for a job well done. All this may not seem like much, but it adds up. If you are committed, the rest of your team will believe what you have to say.


Creating a healthier workplace environment is not easy. Everyone needs to commit to a single vision, and it starts from the top. Without a company-wide commitment to excellence and clear mission statement, this is hard to achieve. Ultimately, the payoff is well worth the investment.

Facilities HCP

12 Tips for Nurses for Safe and Healthy Holiday Travels


The holiday season is synonymous with joy, celebration, and travel. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle during your holiday adventures is crucial to ensure you return home rejuvenated rather than fatigued. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into expert tips for healthy holiday travel, covering everything from nutrition and hydration to sleep, exercise, and stress management. Whether you’re jetting off to exotic destinations or embarking on a road trip, these tips will help you prioritize your well-being and make the most of your holiday experience.

1. Stay Hydrated

One of the fundamental aspects of healthy travel is staying adequately hydrated. Dehydration can be a common concern, especially during air travel. Begin by hydrating well before your journey, and continue drinking water throughout. Consider carrying a reusable water bottle to refill during your travels. Opt for water-rich fruits like watermelon and cucumber as snacks to contribute to your fluid intake. Staying hydrated not only supports overall well-being but also helps combat the fatigue often associated with long journeys.

2. Eat Nutritious Foods

Maintaining a balanced diet while traveling is essential for your energy levels and overall health. Instead of relying on airport or roadside fast food, pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and granola bars. When dining out, aim for balanced meals with a mix of lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. Research restaurants in advance to find nutritious options, and don’t be afraid to customize your order to meet your dietary preferences. Bringing healthy snacks and drinks allows you to stay energized, without consuming unwanted excess calories.

3. Get Adequate Sleep

Amidst the excitement of travel, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. Establish a sleep routine, even if you’re adjusting to a different time zone. Consider using a sleep mask and earplugs to create a comfortable sleep environment, especially in unfamiliar places. If you’re flying across time zones, adjust your sleeping and waking hours gradually in the days leading up to your trip. Prioritizing quality sleep is a cornerstone of healthy travel and ensures you’re ready to embrace each day of your holiday.

3. Exercise Regularly

Incorporating physical activity into your travel plans is an effective way to stay healthy and energized. During layovers, take short walks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. If you’re road tripping, plan rest stops that allow for a quick workout or a brisk walk. Many hotels are equipped with gyms, so take advantage of these facilities to maintain your regular exercise routine. Additionally, consider activities at your destination that involve movement, such as hiking, biking, or exploring on foot. Exercise not only contributes to physical well-being but also enhances your mood, making your holiday experience more enjoyable.

4. Pack Medications and First Aid Kit

Ensuring you have the necessary medications and a basic first aid kit is a proactive step in safeguarding your health during holiday travel. Pack any prescription medications in their original containers, and bring an ample supply for the duration of your trip. Include over-the-counter essentials like pain relievers, antacids, and a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any specific items you may need for existing health conditions. Being prepared for minor health issues can alleviate stress and allow you to focus on enjoying your holiday without concerns about your well-being.

5. Practice Good Hand Hygiene

Maintaining good hand hygiene is crucial, especially when traveling through crowded airports or public transportation hubs. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and carry a travel-sized hand sanitizer for times when hand washing facilities are not readily available. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, to minimize the risk of transferring germs. When you build good habits, you drastically lessen the risk of catching a cold, or something worse while you travel abroad.

6. Manage Stress

Traveling can be inherently stressful, but managing stress is key to maintaining overall well-being. Incorporate stress-relief practices into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music. Take breaks when needed, and avoid over-scheduling your itinerary to allow for moments of relaxation. Prioritize self-care, whether it’s reading a book, enjoying a soothing bath, or simply taking a leisurely stroll. By adopting stress-management techniques, you can enhance your holiday experience and return home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

7. Protect Your Skin

Whether you’re heading to a sunny beach destination or a snowy winter wonderland, protecting your skin is essential. Use sunscreen with a high SPF to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, especially in sunny climates. If you’re traveling to colder regions, dress in layers to stay warm and protect your skin from harsh winds. Consider using moisturizers to prevent dryness, and pack lip balm to keep your lips hydrated. By taking care of your skin, you not only promote physical well-being but also ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable holiday experience.

8. Stay Mindful of Alcohol Consumption

While it’s tempting to indulge in holiday festivities, it’s important to be mindful of alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking can have negative effects on your health and well-being. Consume alcohol in moderation, and intersperse alcoholic beverages with water to stay hydrated. Be aware of your limits and know when to say no to additional drinks. If you’re taking medications, check whether alcohol interacts with them and, if needed, consult with your healthcare provider. By approaching alcohol responsibly, you can enjoy the holiday season without compromising your health.

9. Plan for Rest Stops

If your holiday travel involves long drives, planning for regular rest stops is essential for maintaining physical well-being. Take breaks to stretch your legs, hydrate, and refresh during your journey. The CDC recommends that you take the time to jog, walk, or engage in some light exercise, to stay fit and warm. Plan your route in advance, identifying suitable locations for breaks, meals, and physical activity. By incorporating regular rest stops into your travel plans, you not only enhance your physical comfort but also contribute to a safer and more enjoyable road trip experience.

10. Stay Informed about Local Health Conditions

Before embarking on your holiday adventure, stay informed about local health conditions at your destination. Check for any health advisories, vaccination requirements, or specific precautions you need to take. This is particularly important when traveling to international destinations where health risks may vary. Consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you have any necessary vaccinations or medications. By being proactive and well-informed, you can mitigate health risks and focus on enjoying your holiday without concerns about potential health issues.

11. Practice Safe Travel Habits

Safety is paramount during holiday travel, and adopting safe travel habits is crucial. Always wear seatbelts when driving or riding in a vehicle, and follow traffic rules and regulations. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar places, to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. If you’re engaging in recreational activities at your destination, adhere to safety guidelines and use appropriate protective gear. By prioritizing safety, you create a foundation for a healthy and secure travel experience.

12. (For Mothers) Bring Breastfeeding Equipment

Breastfeeding on the go can be an enormous hassle, especially when you are traveling on air. Be sure you know where the breastfeeding stations are located in the airport or at your rest stops. A sling or soft carrier will help make the process far more elegant and hassle-free than it would be. You can also consider buying an electric pump and bringing bottles of breastmilk to your flights. This is permitted by airlines, provided you comply with the guidelines for liquid containers.


In conclusion, healthy holiday travel is achievable with careful planning and mindful choices. By incorporating these expert tips into your travel routine, you can prioritize your well-being and make the most of your holiday adventures. Whether you’re exploring new destinations, enjoying quality time with loved ones, or simply taking a well-deserved break, a commitment to health and wellness ensures that your holiday memories are not only joyful but also contribute to your long-term well-being. Safe travels and a healthy holiday season to you!

HCP Facilities

HCP of the Month November 2023 – Confidence

We are pleased to recognize Confidence as our HCP of the month. Born and raised in Nigeria, she moved to the US in 2019 and has over five years of experience working as a CNA. Although she joined our platform in June, Confidence has already left a strong impression with our partnered facilities. Her supervisors and coworkers at the places where she picked up shifts were all complimentary of her.

Outside of work, Confidence is a woman of many interests. She enjoys hair braiding in her free time and is also fond of eating jollof rice, an African delicacy that is native to her homeland, Nigeria.

Despite the fact that she is new to the VitaWerks platform, she has already taken advantage of our booking app and its numerous features. “It has been a great experience so far,” Confidence shared with us. “I receive my pay with no delay; booking shifts is also easy; and the Nurse Champions are so accommodating, whenever I have a question, they are always quick to respond.”

For her outstanding contributions, she deserves nothing less than the best rates and CNA gigs in her area. Wherever her career takes her, we are there to offer a helping hand!

Facilities HCP

Why the HIPAA Wall of Shame is so feared

Healthcare facilities are entrusted with extremely sensitive patient information. Although this ensures the best possible care quality, the consequences could be disastrous if said information ever leaked. Thanks to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), facilities must comply with certain standards to ensure that patient information is sufficiently protected by the facilities themselves. The consequences of violating HIPAA extend far beyond even the most significant legal ramifications and fines. Facilities who break patient confidentiality may find themselves permanently etched onto the “HIPAA Wall of Shame.” What is the Wall of Shame, and why could this prove disastrous for a facility’s long term success? Read on to learn more.

What is the Wall of Shame?

The “Wall of Shame” is a colloquial term for the Breach Notification Portal. This website is jointly run by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Offices for Civil Rights. It lists facilities and individual people who are responsible for data breaches that have compromised 500 or more people. Put simply, this website lists institutions who have severely violated the stipulations laid out by HIPAA. Site visitors can look at three sections: Cases that are Under Investigation (or cases that took place within the last 24 months), or older cases in the Archive section.

How do these data breaches happen?

HIPAA is broken when Protected Health Information (PHI) gets leaked to other people without prior consent. This includes your name, address, laboratory results, insurance information, sensitive medical information and more. Even photos and video recordings are PHI and cannot be publicly shared without a written letter of consent. Out of necessity, most PHI is stored in an electronic database in an in-house server. These files are referred to as “ePHI,” and hospitals have to make sure they are sufficiently protected.

Data breaches happen when this PHI is leaked out, either due to a hacker attack, physical theft, or a significant security oversight .Regardless of intent or circumstance, a facility will be put on the Breach Notification Portal if they experience a significant enough data breach that affects a certain number of patients.

What do reports look like?

The Breach Notification Portal contains extremely detailed reports of the incidents and the individuals and the facilities behind them. Every case listed contains the following information

  • State
  • Covered entity type
  • Affected Individuals
  • Breach submission date
  • Breach type
  • Where the breached information was located
  • Expand all

Why facilities should avoid the HIPAA Wall of Shame

Being listed on the Wall of Shame is not only embarrassing, it could destroy a facility in the long run. The healthcare industry is run on trust between the patient and the healthcare providers. Patients entrust their sensitive information, to ensure that HCPs can provide the best healthcare service possible. When that trust is breached, it is hard to regain it. Regardless of how the information was listed, most people who visit the “Wall of Shame” will not read the full reports. They will see your facility’s name on the Breach Notification Portal, and steer clear. More realistically, your facility will garner a terrible reputation via word-of-mouth that will destroy your business for good in the long term.

How can you avoid the Wall of Shame?  The answer is obvious: an organizational commitment to complying with HIPAA. All PHI must be stored securely, and not out in the open where everyone can see. ePHI must be protected with the best possible software security available to a facility. Last (but not least), all facility staff must be trained on how to comply with HIPAA at all times. Patients trust healthcare facilities, and the least we can do is repay that trust in kind.

HCP Facilities

Kaiser Permanente Strike Leads To New Deal

The Kaiser Permanente strike has led to a new, tentative labor agreement between Kaiser Permanente and a coalition of unions representing 85,000 healthcare providers.. What does this mean for the healthcare industry? Why was the strike so truncated? This brief article will go over everything you need to know about the recently concluded strike.

What was the Kaiser Permanente Strike about?

Based in Oakland, California, Kaiser Permanente is a massive care consortium that owns and manages healthcare facilities all over America. A massive presence in the industry, their facilities serve 13 million Americans across the country. Healthcare workers waged a strike with regards to current staffing levels and compensation packages.

What caused the strike, in the first place?

Earlier in August, representative workers from facilities under Kaiser Permanente negotiated for a $25 per hour minimum compensation rate, an increase of 7% in compensation for the next two years, and 6.25% in the following two. Healthcare workers argued that facilities were operating understaffed, which led to increased profits for Kaiser Permanente but increased stress and workload for HCPs. Negotiations stalled at a certain point, leading to the brief strike. With 75,000 active participants over the course of three days, this strike was one of the largest in healthcare history.

What were the agreed terms?

The strike lasted only three days, while the tentative labor agreement was made official a week later. Kaiser Permanente sought to avoid further strikes, which was a real possibility if terms were not agreed to before the current contract expired on October 31. The company conceded to raising compensation for HCPs by 21%, across the next four years. This was done to retain staff, while encouraging new HCPs to join their facilities.

In the short term, the deal will set minimum compensation for HCPs in California (where most of Kaiser Permanente’s facilities are located) to $25 per hour, while facilities in other states will provide rates at $23/hour. In addition, the contract also promises to promote initiatives held to promote further growth in the healthcare workforce following the pandemic.

Finally, Kaiser Permanente will make a proactive effort to fill its currently vacant positions. At the time of writing, 11% of positions at the company are unfilled. The company has made promises to cover hard-to-fill positions first, and remove arbitrary barriers that prevent qualified professionals from taking up healthcare roles. At the time of writing, their goal is to create 25,000 healthcare workers in the next four years.

HCP Facilities

Every Nurse Level and Rank: A Comprehensive Guide

There are a variety of different ranks in nursing. As you attain better education and training, you can enjoy more healthcare job opportunities and greater responsibilities on the whole. That being said, every rank of nurse matters to the continued success of a healthcare facility. In case you need a point of reference, and to give recognition to the HCPs that make facilities successful, this article runs down the various nurse ranks and levels you can expect to run into.

Certified Nursing Assistant

Yearly Compensation: $35,740 per year (per the BLS)

CNAs perform a lot of “basic” and direct care services. Under the supervision of another nurse, they are expected to carry out tasks like cleaning patient quarters, bathing, dressing and feeding patients, and transporting them around the facility. A CNA’s service is vital for the continued health and comfort of a patient, while they stay in a facility. Unlike other roles, you do not need a formal degree to become a CNA. Provided you are a high school graduate, complete an accredited 4-12 week CNA program, and achieve state licensure, you should qualify.

Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse

Yearly Compensation: $54,620 per year (per the BLS)

LPNs (or LVNs, as they are referred to in California and Texas) carry out the direct care duties associated with CNAs. Comparatively, their roles are more focused towards providing much needed medical assistance to their RN supervisors. With approval from said supervisors, they can offer basic care services, provide medications as per physician orders, and update the team on a patient’s status and condition. Becoming an LPN requires a one year diploma in practical nursing that prepares you with lectures and clinical rotations.

Registered Nurse

Yearly Compensation: $81,220 per year (per the BLS)

RNs have the education and experience needed to offer more advanced care services. They can create tailor made care plans, in cooperation with the rest of their medical team. RNs can also prepare their patients for medical tests. These are just some of the many roles that an RN assumes.

RNs also provide vital education to patients and patient families, regarding said patient’s current condition, status, and treatment options. In general, RNs are in charge of identifying what a patient needs, before providing them with important, holistic medical care.

Becoming an RN requires either a diploma, 2 year Associate’s Degree in Nursing, or a 4 year Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While the first two are quicker, BSN roles offer better compensation opportunities overall and allows you to move into non-clinical nursing roles like case management or administration.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

Yearly Compensation: $125,900 per year (per the BLS)

When a nurse obtains their Master of Science in Nursing and or a Doctor of Nursing Practice, they can opt to become APRNs. There are a number of different APRN roles, such as Nurse Practitioner, Certified Nurse Anesthetist, Clinical Nursing Specialist, and more. Their advanced training and education provides them the authority to provide greater care services than even registered nurses.

For example: Nurse Practitioners, NPs can offer a formal diagnosis, lay out preventative care measures, order medical tests and prescribe treatment. Nurse Anesthetists, meanwhile, are specially trained to safely administer anesthetics before procedures, and provide the necessary after care, once the anesthesia wears off. Regular nurses cannot take on any of these responsibilities. As a result, APRNs are significantly better compensated than a lot of their RN counterparts.

Non-Clinical Roles

Yearly Compensation: $104,830 per year (for Nurse Administrators,) or $84,060 (for Nurse Educators)

Advanced nursing degrees also lend themselves to a number of fascinating non-clinical roles. Nurse administrators or managers are expected to oversee the staffing, budgeting and continued operations of a healthcare facility and its departments. Chief Nursing Officers oversee the operations of the facility as a whole, and have to plan for long term growth with leadership and strategy. Meanwhile, Nurse educators work in universities to train and prepare HCP students for practical clinical work. On the whole, administrative jobs provide better compensation than educational roles, but they are both important to the continued success of the healthcare system.

Go out there!

Like any successful endeavor, nursing is a team effort. It requires a number of different people from various backgrounds and specializations to work together, in order to provide the best possible care. Every nurse rank listed is important to the continued prosperity of the healthcare system. Whether you want to remain as a CNA, or you plan to work your way up towards becoming a nurse administrator, your efforts are appreciated and necessary for the continued success of your facility.

Explore Exciting Per Diem Nursing Jobs Near You at VitaWerks!


How Facilities Can Conduct Patient Experience Surveys

To improve their healthcare services, many healthcare facilities conduct patient experience surveys. That being said, simply holding a survey does not guarantee improvement in and of itself. You need to create effective and comprehensive surveys that help you gather the information you need. In addition, the facility needs to take steps to implement this feedback in a proactive and productive manner. If you are a healthcare manager looking to bolster their services, this article will cover why these surveys matter and how you can effectively implement them.

Why do facilities hold these nurse experience surveys?

All healthcare providers strive to offer the best possible care services to their patients. No matter how quality a facility or its HCPs are, there is always room for improvement. Maybe the nurses can be slightly more responsive to a patient’s needs. Something as simple as the quality of bedding may not seem like a significant factor, but in reality it has a massive impact on a patient’s quality of living and comfort. It is impossible to identify where to improve without input from the patients themselves, however.

This is why facilities regularly host patient surveys. Direct feedback allows you to identify what needs to be improved, whether it is with the amenities or care services. After all, the best way to ensure customer satisfaction is to listen to the customers directly.

How can I create my own survey?

You can create your own questionnaire from scratch, but this may leave you with a number of blindspots. To ensure that you have your bases covered, you can use a standardized, specially made questionnaire that several facilities and companies use. There are three popular templates used by hospitals nationwide: Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems. What works best for you will depend on the nature of your facility, as well as your current needs. Alternatively, you can even use said questionnaires as templates you can modify and add to at your discretion.

What are the keys to a successful survey?

Of course, just copy and pasting a template alone is not the key to a successful patient survey. Proper distribution, analysis, and more need to supplement your efforts, in order to achieve that.

First off, you want to identify what kind of data you are collecting. If you are looking for quantitative data, create questions based on a numeric scale. If you are looking for qualitative data, provide textboxes with enough space for the correspondents to provide their answers.

Be sure to keep your questions legible and understandable. Your questionnaire could be answered by a variety of people from different age groups, backgrounds and literacy levels. Do not oversimplify, but make sure there is little room for wrong interpretations.

Make sure you are drawing from a significant enough sample. Though this will vary from case to case, typically speaking qualitative studies require larger sample bases compared to qualitative inquiries.

Of course, the key to gathering a large enough sample is making sure your survey is properly distributed. If no one can get their hands on it, they will not be able to answer. You may provide a survey form upon discharging a patient, mail a survey form to their address, or ask them to fill a survey out online.

If you go for the last option, make sure you are using a HIPAA complaint platform. In general, you have to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your correspondents. Failure to do so will put your facility in serious legal trouble.

Finally, once you have acquired a sufficient number of correspondents, be sure to interpret and analyze the data in front of you. What are common threads and concerns that can be found across multiple subjects? What are actionable ways the facility can address these in both the short and long term. Answering all these questions is the key to improving your healthcare services across the board.

HCP Facilities

How Meditation Can Help Nurses With Burnout


Nursing is a merciless profession. Our healthcare providers subject themselves to lengthy hours, physical and emotional strain, and exposure to life-threatening diseases. Because of how fast the healthcare industry works, burnout has gained increasing prevalence among nurses. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can negatively impact a nurse’s well-being and patient care. One powerful tool that nurses can use to combat burnout is meditation. In this article, we’ll explore how meditation can be a game-changer for nurses, helping them manage stress, build resilience, and ultimately, provide better care to their patients.

Understanding Nurse Burnout

Before we dive into the benefits of meditation, let’s briefly discuss the nature of nurse burnout. Burnout among nurses is characterized by three key components:

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Nurses often deal with emotionally charged situations, such as comforting grieving families or caring for patients in pain. Over time, this emotional burden can lead to exhaustion.
  • Depersonalization: Burnout can cause nurses to become detached from their patients, viewing them as cases rather than individuals. This can erode the quality of care provided.
  • Reduced Personal Accomplishment: Nurses experiencing burnout may doubt their competence and effectiveness, further exacerbating their stress and emotional strain.

Meditation, through its various techniques, addresses these aspects of burnout, helping nurses regain emotional balance, stay connected to their patients, and maintain a sense of accomplishment in their work.

The Power of Meditation in Nurse Burnout Prevention

Meditation is a widely-practiced exercise deeply rooted in tradition. Today, it’s widely recognized for its potential to improve mental and emotional well-being. In the present, scientific studies have verified the physical and mental benefits. Here’s how it can help nurses prevent and manage burnout:

  1. Stress Reduction

Stress is an inherent part of nursing, with high-pressure situations and critical decision-making as part of the job description. Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, teaches nurses to be present in the moment, observing their thoughts and emotions without judgment. By doing so, nurses can identify stress triggers and respond to them more effectively, reducing their overall stress levels.

  1. Improved Emotional Resilience

When you meditate, the heightened emotional control and self-awareness directly leads to a more resilient and steady mental state. When nurses regularly practice meditation, they become more in tune with their emotions, allowing them to process these emotions in a healthier way. This can prevent emotional exhaustion, a common component of nurse burnout.

  1. Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Nursing demands a high level of concentration and the ability to multitask effectively. Meditation improves attention and focus by training the mind to remain present and avoid distractions. For nurses, this means better decision-making, improved task management, and ultimately, reduced stress.

  1. Better Self-Care

Nurses often prioritize the well-being of their patients at the expense of their own. Meditation encourages self-care and self-compassion. By nurturing themselves through meditation, nurses are more likely to maintain a healthy work-life balance and reduce the risk of burnout.

  1. Preventing Depersonalization

Burnout can cause nurses to detach from their patients, reducing the quality of care provided. Meditation practices, like loving-kindness meditation, help nurses stay connected with their patients by fostering empathy and compassion. This human-centered approach to patient care can reduce the depersonalization aspect of burnout.

  1. Increased Energy and Vitality

Diligent meditation leads to increased vitality and much higher energy levels, over time. Nurses who are well-rested and energized are less likely to experience burnout. The practice can help them find a renewed sense of purpose and motivation in their work.

  1. Enhanced Coping Skills

Meditation equips nurses with valuable coping skills to deal with the unique challenges of their profession. By practicing meditation, nurses can develop more adaptive responses to stressful situations, mitigating the impact of stress on their well-being.

  1. Better Sleep

Sleep problems are common among healthcare professionals and can contribute to burnout. Meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality, helping nurses get the rest they need to recover from the demands of their job. Better sleep, in turn, helps prevent burnout.

  1. Preventing Absenteeism

Reducing burnout through meditation can help nurses stay engaged with their work and reduce absenteeism due to stress-related illnesses. When the individual nurses are taken care for, the rest of the healthcare industry benefits as a direct result.

  1. Improved Work Satisfaction

Meditation promotes a positive outlook and a sense of purpose in one’s work. Nursing can be demanding, but feeling the difference you make in the world and the patients around you makes a world of difference. A stronger sense of purpose and overall satisfaction with your work is a powerful antidote to burnout.

How to Start Meditating as a Nurse

Now that we’ve explored the numerous benefits of meditation for nurses, you might be wondering how to start your meditation journey. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:

  • Choose a Quiet Space: Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can meditate without disturbances.
  • Set a Regular Schedule: Establish a consistent meditation schedule. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.
  • Select a Meditation Technique: There are various meditation techniques to choose from, such as mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or body scan meditation. Experiment to find what works best for you.
  • Get Comfortable: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. You can use a cushion or chair if needed.
  • Breathe Mindfully: Focus on your breath. Pay attention to each inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath.
  • Start Slowly: As a beginner, start with short meditation sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.
  • Use Guided Meditations: If you’re new to meditation, consider using guided meditation apps or recordings. These can provide structure and guidance during your practice.
  • Stay Patient: Meditation is a skill that improves with practice. Be patient with yourself and don’t expect immediate results. The benefits will accrue over time.
  • Join a Supportive Community: Consider joining a meditation group or community to enhance your practice and share experiences with others.


Nurses play a vital role in our healthcare system, and their well-being directly impacts the quality of patient care. Though it is not a perfect solution, meditation is a worthwhile deterrent to the current issue of nurse burnout. By incorporating meditation into their daily routines, nurses can reduce stress, build resilience, and ultimately provide better care to their patients.

If you’re a nurse, or if you know a nurse who could benefit from this information, consider sharing this article and encouraging the practice of meditation as a tool for burnout prevention. In the demanding world of healthcare, meditation can be a lifeline, offering nurses the strength and resilience they need to continue their essential work while maintaining their own well-being.